How To Make Money As A 12-Year-Old

As a 12-year-old teen, do you want to become an independent person by making money? Though the Fair Labor Standard Act does not allow you to land traditional job opportunities until you turn 14, some ideas can still help you earn money.

The article provides you with several best ways to make money when you are 12. 

Is 12 years old too early to work?

It totally depends on the type of job offered for 12 years old, like a local supermarket or restaurant job is too early for a 12-year-old to take responsibility. As per the law, the minimum age to work in traditional jobs is 14.

But suppose a 12-year-old is eager to work. In that case, the level of maturity plays an important role in comprehending what kind of job he/she can handle with understanding, responsibility, and skillfulness.

Other factors include the teen’s location, schedule, nature of work, and spare time available to do work.

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How to Make Money as a 12 Year Old? (15 Working Ways) - EASY

1. Help a local senior

A 12-year-old can provide essential in-house assistance for local senior people or senior family members.

He/she can help them with house cleaning, organizing, walking, reading, or even taking care of their pets. 

2. Provide tech support

A smart younger generation is very good at handling devices, gadgets, and systems with advanced technology.

For example, a 12-year-old can help family members, neighbors, or friends with technical support for their computer, smartphone, or other electronic devices.

3. Work as Mom’s helper

Mothers always need helping hands when it comes to handling everything at home.

A 12-year-old can work as a mother’s helper in different ways, such as

  • taking care of siblings, 
  • helping in the kitchen or garden,
  • grocery shopping,
  • organizing the home,
  • cleaning the house, and so on.

4. Lemonade stand

One of the most popular money-making ideas is setting up a lemonade stand.

It helps teens earn money and helps them understand and learn business skills such as:

managing the ins and outs of running a business and finding out different ways to increase the profit without reducing the quality of the product.

5. Work on a Farm

Though it is the best way to start learning about farming, it depends on the location of the teen and the availability of nearby farms.

 Working on a farm will support teens financially, provide knowledge about agriculture, enhance skills, and be a useful lifetime.

6. Sell unwanted items

Children keep collecting things that look attractive and interesting.

As they grow old, their interest in these items reduces, and at some point, these items become waste or unnecessary. 

Selling such unwanted items is another great way to reduce waste as well as earn some money.

7. Deliver newspapers

Newspaper delivery is an hour or two jobs every morning. 

The advantage of this job is that it gives a good habit of getting up early and finishing job within an hour early in the morning.

8. Tutoring

If you are good at your studies and have enough confidence to teach your juniors, it is one of the best options to earn some money.

You can always choose your favorite school subject or hobby, such as piano lessons or guitar.

You can even teach them games you are good at, and it will keep your practice on and make you a better player with time and earning money.

9. Bake sale

Similar to the lemonade stand, a teen can learn baking skills and set up a bake sale stand.

Baking various sweets and bakery products, experimenting with your choices, baking unique dishes, and selling them to neighbors, friends, and even in the local market can earn you extra money at 12.

10. Wash cars

Not only mother’s helper is the option for a 12-year-old to earn money.

He/she can help his father, neighbor, or even friends to wash cars and keep them clean. 

Internal and external car cleaning and car washing services are great options to earn money during the summer holidays for a 12-year-old.

11. Walk pets

As the pet adoption trend increases worldwide, pet walkers are always in demand.

If you are a pet lover, then you can always choose to work as a pet walker to earn money

12. Babysit pets

Similar to pet walking, pet babysitting jobs are always open for 12-year-olds who love to spend their time with animals.

You can take care of pets and clean and feed them when owners are outside or on vacation and needs someone to look after their pets.

13. Yard sale

12-year-old children can do yard work independently, like pulling weeds, laying sod, planting seeds, watering gardens, trimming hedges, spreading mulch, and laying edging.

If you love gardening and are capable of handling some of the responsibilities alone, you can always choose to provide gardening services.

14. Put up holiday decorations

The holiday seasons are one of the best spent times for teens.

If you are looking to enjoy decorating and earning some money,

you can always help your neighbors, friends, local shops, and supermarkets to put up holiday decorations.

It will also allow you to bring out your creativity with different decoration styles.

15. Start a YouTube channel

Adults and today’s children spend significant daily time on electronic gadgets and various entertaining platforms such as YouTube.

A 12-year-old can start a YouTube channel dedicated to hobbies, passion, or even discussing their age, things, or activities.

Though it is not an immediate money-making option, it indeed has options to make money through advertising and sponsorship and later with the number of views.

Can you have a bank account at 12 years old?

Children still do not have access to advanced banking services and activities such as owning a debit/ credit card or performing bank transactions.

But, parents can always help them open a child account by keeping control over the bank activities.


A 12-year-old can earn money by following untraditional ways based on their maturity, capability, and availability.

The location and kind of work opportunity demand also play an important role when choosing ways to make money.


  1. How can a 12-year-old make a lot of money?

    There is no option to make a lot of money for 12-year-olds as the labor act does not allow them to work traditional jobs. Still, they can earn a fair amount of money by providing their assistance in various routine work to family members, friends, neighbors, and even in shops.
  1. How could a 12-year-old make money for free?

  2. A 12-year-old can do household work, help neighbors and local seniors, or start a YouTube channel without investments and start earning money for free.

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