Masturbating is a habit followed by almost 95% plus males and females and while masturbating one of the most important needs is making your mood.

 To make your mood you normally watch porn. But what if the Porn is not available or maybe you are not able to access it at that time. Will you not consider masturbating without porn? 

It will certainly spoil your mood. You go for masturbation because you want to be stress-free and you can be stress-free even if you don’t have access to hot porn model's videos. Let’s look at the ideas that will help you in masturbating without porn.

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How to Masturbate Without Porn: ULTIMATE GUIDE


Different reasons will force you to masturbate without porn. First of all, why does someone needs to masturbate?

It is done to relax and release some stress from your mind.

These days’ people are always fighting with each other in terms of jobs and success. It can be seen that we have lost ourselves in the war between success and growth.

The hectic schedule of our offices and studies has made us so tired that at times we need immediate relaxation. For immediate relaxation, masturbation is a great practice.

But if you need a porn video to arouse yourself then it is going to be difficult for you to masturbate at the desired time.

It is very much possible that you came from the office and at your home, a family gathering is there. How will you access a porn video there?

The issue is not only of access to porn all the time; porn has other impacts as well on our sex life.

First of all, it enhances the expectation of the sex that we want from ourselves. All the time in porn we see a guy having a 7-8 inches dick penetrating a beautiful young pussy for around 25-30 min. Does it happen in reality?

I guess - very rarely. You see a blowjob given by a beautiful girl to a guy on the poolside in the open. All such things are only for fantasies.

A porn video that you see for 30 minutes is made in around 5-6 hours. What you see is the result of great editing and makeup skills. Therefore, you should try to keep your expectations as per real scenarios and for that sometimes you should avoid watching porn.


Now, since you have understood that you can and you should masturbate without porn; you need to have some ideas about how to go about it.

 This you can do in two steps – first: you understand and second you implement it. You understand the basic needs of masturbation without porn and then arrange those needs and start your journey. 

1. Figure out your Turn-ons

For masturbating without porn, you must know what turns you on. Even in porn too, you do not watch everything.

There are a hundred types of porn available girl/girl, boy/girl, BDSM, anal, double penetration, gangbang, blowjob, interracial, and so on.

 Do you prefer watching everything? No! You search for the genre you like and you watch that porn only. Similarly, you fantasize about what you like without watching porn.

You can fantasize about it with your partner, your colleague, or maybe your neighbor. Don’t worry, fantasizing is not a crime.

Apart from fantasizing about sex, you can also think about any music and books that turns you on.

People read a lot to arouse them and it is a great tool as it helps you in making your mood in any public situation too.

2. Understand it may take more time

You also need to understand that it will take a little extra time to masturbate without porn. Porn is something that makes your mood immediately as you are in a habit of watching it.

However, in the case of fantasizing, it will take a little extra effort and time to come to that mood.

Therefore, you need to be relaxed and you should have enough time and privacy so that no one disturbs you when you are in your dreams fucking your beautiful partner.

Experts say that if you are trying to masturbate without porn, you should think of arousal rather than thinking of orgasm. 

3. It's all about Fantasizing

If you make a practice of fantasizing, you will certainly get help from this habit of yours. You just need to keep thinking whenever you get time about what makes your mood.

 It can be anything that turns you on. You can think about your previous sex experience that you had with your partner.

A kiss or a dance with someone in the past can also help you in fantasizing. Just make a list in your mind about all such things that help you in arousal. 

4. Things that may help you arouse more

Apart from the above-mentioned methods some other things can help you; check the list below:

  • Erotica 
    Apart from porn, other types of erotica will help you in getting your arousals such as audio porn or hot pictures that you like. You can have a book of sex stories. Dirty talks with your girlfriend can help a lot.
  •  Soft porn like a kiss, cuddle, etc.
    You can also use soft porn for arousal. There are thousands of hot songs of different genres available on YouTube that you can watch. You can also watch adult movies that are not porn but have enough sex scenes to make your mood.
  • Take help of sex toy
    Sex toys are a great support for masturbation without porn. If you are a girl, use dildos and if you are a boy, use a flashlight. Varieties of toys are available in the market to satisfy your needs.


Now, since you have understood why you need to masturbate without porn and what are the different basics that you need for the same; it’s time to learn the steps. Below are the steps that you can follow to cum without porn and a partner.

Step 1: Get comfortable and set the mood

You need to be in a very comfortable situation before you start masturbating. A comfortable situation can be different for different people.

For example, some people feel comfortable lying in the bed; some feel comfortable while sitting in a chair and others may find this comfort in the washroom too.

You must ensure that you are comfortable then only you will be able to enjoy the moment. Also, if possible ensure that no interferences will be there.

At the same time, you must ensure that you have tissues or a towel available with you so that you can use them after the job is done.

If you have to run to the washroom after the job then it will certainly destroy the entertainment.

Step 2: Be Hand(y) and listen to your body

One of the most important things is knowing your body. Everyone does not feel the same way. For some people private parts are important to be touched to be aroused; however, for some other people, even a kiss on the neck is sufficient.

Thus, you must know your body and you should use your hands accordingly. Guys need to know that they can keep their penis head a little away from the fingers while rubbing; to stay longer.

They can also play with the balls with another hand. Similarly for girls, maybe the G-spot is far inside and your fingers are not reaching that area. Therefore, you can take help from a dildo.

You can also think of a toy inserted in your anal when you are playing with your pussy. Overall, you should know how to use your body, if you don’t know it; it will not be entertaining for you.

Step 3: Focus and Fantasize

What if we say that masturbation is almost like meditation? Yes! It’s a form of meditation only where you give relaxation to your body with your touch.

Just like meditation, where you relax your mind with your thought process. While touching your body parts, you need to feel them.

You need to respect the sensations which normally you don’t do while masturbating with porn. Your entire focus is on models and their performance.

You see how a big dick is penetrating a juicy pussy for half an hour and you forget that during the same time you have grabbed your dick so hard that it ejaculates before the final scene of the video.

But if you are masturbating without porn, you need to think about those scenes with your partner and you go step by step in your mind.  

Step 4: Don't stop and keep going

Once you are through the above three steps; in the final step, you only need to ensure that you do not stop and enjoy the moment.

You have so many fantasies that the story will not end and you will find that you have spent around an hour or so; massaging your dick or fingering your pussy.

Once your orgasm is there and you cum; you are not required to run for cleaning. Masturbation does not end after ejaculation; it continues for some time even after ejaculation.

Just, sit there and relax, you will feel like you have done a good workout and your muscles are now relaxing.


Masturbation is one of the best practices that humans do and it is very natural. Many people have this query in their mind that they are not doing a moral act if they masturbate; it’s completely incorrect.

You get relaxed if you masturbate and therefore you watch porn so that you can arouse yourself. However, we told you above that you don’t need porn all the time to masturbate.

You can do it without porn as well. The reason behind masturbating without porn is that you don’t have access to porn all the time and secondly, it enhances the expectations.

What we see in porn is far from reality. The best tool to masturbate without porn is to prepare your mind for fantasizing. Learn how to fantasize – keep looking for things that arouse you.

Maybe the booty of your neighbor – look at her booty but don’t let anyone know about this. Keep this in your mind only and use such memories for masturbation. Be careful – if anybody else knows that you were looking at her – you may get troubled.

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