How To Make Money On Amazon Without Selling?

Thinking about making money online? It does not get better than Amazon in that aspect. It is an extraordinary platform in terms of selling. 

Over 50% of the search traffic in the world is attracted by the giant that is Amazon and over 70% of U.S. citizens seem to have made purchases in 6 months. No e-commerce site in the world makes as much money as Amazon.

Ever since its conception, Amazon has earned the trust and loyalty of a huge majority in the world and has been established as a reliable online marketplace.

Any entrepreneur seeking to generate revenue can get started with Amazon owing to the plethora of ways it offers to share the wealth. Becoming an Amazon Best Seller might not be that difficult after all! 

Let us delve deeper into the subject for better understanding.

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How To Make Money On Amazon Without Selling 

12 ways to make money on Amazon without selling

1. Amazon Associates Affiliate Marketing

If one has substantial reach online through a website, blog, or other sources, money can be made by joining the affiliate program of amazon.
Commissions by product categories include:

  • Beauty and Amazon coins – 10%
  • Furniture, home décor – 3%
  • Garden, lawn, pet products – 3%
  • Kitchen, books, automotive – 4.5%
  • Groceries, digital videos, digital music – 5%

Process: By recommending commodities on Amazon under a product category, up to 10% advertising fees/            commission from the purchase can be earned. 

The Amazon affiliate gets 4% - 10% of the purchased product’s price. People on the internet buy all sorts of random products during the cookie window which helps affiliates earn a commission. The more the clicks on one’s link, the more the earnings.

Earning Potential: Depending on the number of referrals made, one can earn $100 to $20,000 per month on an average from this program.

2. Amazon Mechanical Turk

Individuals looking to make a few quick bucks with no intention of selling, initiating a big project, or attracting an audience, can lean on Amazon Mechanical Turk. With a few initial investments, one would be good to go.

This platform allows for outsourcing tasks to a virtual workforce. Surveys, research, data validation, data entry, etc fall under this category.

Process: These tasks are quite manageable and one can easily work around them along with their schedule. The tasks are generally simple and fun to do and do not require one to establish a following.

The essence of it is the fact that one simply becomes a remote worker in Amazon’s large army. The aim must be to complete as many tasks as possible.

Earning Potential: You can make around $150-300/week as an Amazon MTruck Worker

3. Amazon influencers

This is yet another affiliate program designed to promote products via social media channels like Meta, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. For someone with a huge following on the digital, this is just the right program.

Process: The drill is that approved influencers receive a unique URL on their Amazon page to display the recommended products to followers.

If these followers buy the products via a social media channel, a commission is earned. The cool part is that commission can be earned even if followers do not click on the affiliate link.

Having an understanding of how the market works can come in handy. It is important to know which product suits the needs of the audience and who might be a potential customer.

This is very different from Amazon associate affiliate marketing. The biggest pro here is that one can earn a passive income by maintaining strong social media.

Earning Potential: Most amazon influencers earn within a range of a few dollars to $1000 a month. Might not sound like much, but it is a good start and a good income.

4. Publish your books with Kindle direct publishing

Any writer or individual with access to a team of writers can publish anything they want with Kindle Direct Publishing. Gone are the days when publishing houses were the only tool to publish material.

With this platform, people can publish kindle books and 70% of the royalty on overall sales goes into the writer’s pocket.
Other than kindle books, hard copies can also be published. Better writing proficiency, better the money.

Process: Before jumping on the bestseller bandwagon, a consistent stream of content needs to go out there. The work must speak for itself since there are no separate marketing tools to build hype.

There are no agents or publishers involved in the process, hence the task of getting the word out falls on the individual. A big pro is that prolific writers can earn very good money with almost negligible investment requirements.

Earning Potential: Kindle books priced between $0.98 to $2.98 and a 35% royalty on each sale is earned. The $2.99 to $9.99 range earns 70% royalty on each sale. For Kindle books priced over $9.99, 35% royalty is earned on each sale.

With 20 of your best-selling books each selling one copy per day, you can earn around $1,140 per month.

5. Amazon gift cards

One of the easiest ways to make money is through Amazon Gift Cards. Almost anything can be bought on amazon with these gift cards which makes them as good as money.

By keeping an eye out for local garage sales and anywhere else used items may be on sale, a few quick bucks can be earned with no hassle. As much as 25% of the product’s retail price can be earned as credit.

Process: The noteworthy point here is that Amazon is picky with what they accept hence it may take time to understand the drill as one keeps participating.

Items of niche value and items that have fewer suppliers are always in high demand. If one is lucky, these niche items can be easily found on eBay or at a garage sale.

6. Amazon customer service

Method: Anyone can conveniently get a job as an Amazon customer service representative sitting at home.

The customer service team of Amazon is a vast one and supports 16 languages from more than 130 locations around the globe. Most employees work from home.

For someone more comfortable working remotely than doing an in-office job, this is the perfect opportunity.

Process: As an Amazon customer services representative, loads of employee benefits are offered which include healthcare. Individuals can choose to work part-time or full-time remotely.

Anyone can apply for this job but only those who meet the prescribed qualifications are selected. Amazon has a network of over 650,000 employees all over the world and is in line to become the next employer giant. 

With a lot to gain and almost nothing to lose, now is the right time to join the Amazon workforce and make some money.

Earning Potential: The average earnings range from $30,000 annually to $122,000 depending on the designation. The hourly pay ranges from $13.13 to $13.72 per hour, again, depending on the designation

7. Sell professional services

Method: Any individual with a service to offer can earn an income in the Amazon store. The service could be of any niche like art and craft, or martial arts.

Amazon helps people connect with potential clients based on the services they offer.

Process: There are no start-up or advertising fees and there are no monthly subscription requirements at all either.

Only general liability insurance with a $1,000,000 occurrence cap and a fool-proof background check of the business are the requirements.

Services offered to homeowners are also screened. Whatever income is earned, a part of it goes to Amazon but the amount depends on how much one makes and what kind of service is in question.

The services should be made available with no hassle involved in terms of marketing and website. In case one does not make enough money, they do not have to pay Amazon.

Earning Potential: This method varies greatly in returns and the sky's the limit. Once can sell services at prices they deem fit and will get paid if the market is willing.

There is competition, but the business can be scaled up in no time. Up to $10,000 per month can be earned under this program. There is no upper limit in terms of earnings as it depends on one’s skills completely.

8. Trade-in used goods under Amazon’s trade-in program

Method: In the technical sense, trading used goods for cash is not the scheme. The used goods can be traded in for an Amazon Gift Card which is as good as money.

There are thousands of products that can be bought on Amazon with a gift card. Products that qualify for the trade-in program include Amazon products (Kindles, tablets, etc), cell phones, gaming items, books, etc.

Any unwanted merchandise that might be lying around can also be traded if it is eligible for the Amazon trade-in program.

Process: This is a great way to get rid of stuff one does not need anymore. One might also become eligible for discounts on future purchases by participating in the trade-in program in addition to an Amazon gift card.

Since there is no hard cash that is earned, the earnings will have to be spent on Amazon itself.

Earning Potential: The program allows users to trade products with a value of up to $1800 per transaction. The payment may be delayed for a product by 25 days by Amazon though.

9. Sign up for Amazon CamperForce

Method: Amazon’s CampForce hires RV owners for seasonal rushes in their warehouse outlets across the country.

For someone who lives their life on the road and is looking to make some money, this is the option for them at CampForce, individuals can work full-time or part-time with Amazon as a shipper, picker, or packer.

This is a rather unique way to make money at one’s own pace and terms.

Process: There are several requirements for applicants to meet, including: minimum age of 18 years old, high school diploma or equivalent, ability to stand or walk for four to ten hours per day, and lifting up to 49 lbs.

For the duration of the assignment, they are prohibited from parking on Amazon property overnight, but must park an RV at a campground

Earning Potential: CamperForce employees receive a bunch of employee benefits like healthcare, medical coverage, etc. Amazon also pays $120 every week for campground expenses. 

This is an easy money-making process and offers a flexible and high standard of living.

This opportunity applies to a certain group of people only and does not apply to everyone. Plus, the warehouse jobs are demanding in terms of physical work.

10. Create a course to help other Amazon sellers

Method: An individual with an already established profitable business that is making money on Amazon can share their knowledge and experience with other paying customers.

Process: Such established business owners can create an online course and also consult with clients. These are two very effective business models owing to their immense earning potential and low overhead.

Earning Potential: Someone who is an Amazon expert and has years’ worth of experience in their pocket, why not share the journey and knowledge with others and help them become an Amazon expert as well?

There is some serious earning potential attached to this method and is a win-win situation for both parties, the course maker and the user. Up to $1000 a month can be earned by selling a course on Amazon.

11. Post reviews for Amazon Vine

Method: Amazon Vine is a platform that rewards participants with free products and commodities. No hard cash is received as part of participation.

An individual who may already have reviewed Amazon products and posted them is eligible for the Amazon Vine Program.

Process: The main aim of this program is to encourage and promote honest, unbiased, and productive feedback. Amazon also sends certain products for free to these writers to get them reviewed.

However, the writer obviously cannot write a biased review for the products simply because they receive them free of cost. This would not serve the set purpose of the program.

Earning Potential: To get invited to the Amazon Vine Program, one can start by leaving reviews for purchased products to get noticed. This program operates by inviting people only and is a little tough to get in.

Once established as a review writer, the chances to get invited increase. The reviewers do not get paid in cash, but Amazon does pay them a commission of up to 10% for the product they promote.

12. Driver with Amazon Flex

Method: Amazon is an e-commerce giant and has a vast delivery network. Amazon has its delivery service and hires drivers to deliver packages to the designated addresses, offering a door-to-door delivery system with zero hassle and maximum convenience.


  • Amazon Flex can be registered online, regardless of whether you already have an Amazon account or whether you create a new one.
  • Specifically, you will need to answer questions that will be used for conducting a background check.
  • If you are going to pick up and deliver packages from Amazon, you should choose a service area.

Earning Potential: Any person looking to work as a part-timer can apply to work with Amazon Flex as a driver.

Most drivers make $18-$25 per hour. Earnings can be tracked by the drivers through their Amazon Flex mobile app. This is a rather flexible job. 

The drivers can formulate a delivery schedule of their own as per the delivery opportunities available throughout the week. One can take whatever work they want with no compulsions.

However, the drivers are required to have a vehicle of their own with appropriate and authentic insurance to be able to make deliveries.

Why Is Amazon Associates Program So Popular?

The Amazon Associates Affiliate Program is a platform that allows users to earn money by referring their preferred products on Amazon. The members can share a special link with a tracking code.

When a potential customer clicks on this special link and makes a purchase, the referrer gets a certain percentage of this sale.

It is noteworthy that it is not important that the recommended product has to be sold to get a commission. Any purchase made until the tracking cookie runs out will fetch the referrer a commission.

This program is a popular one because it involves no selling. It is time to bid farewell to FBA fees, refund requests, hassles, and warehouse problems.

  • Once a user gets accepted to the affiliate program, popular product categories can be researched. The research can also be done by the personal favorite product categories.
  • The best-selling products in the target categories should be searched for.
  • The demand profile of different products in different categories alters. This can be compiled by taking note of the overall rank. Lower the rank, the better.
  • A brief list of high-demand products can be devised. Several best-selling products with a high rank should be short-listed. The category of products should be a top-level category. Ranking for several sub-categories can also be found.
  • This devised list can be filtered based on competition level. The top sellers in the competitive category can be selected. A product that ranks #100 in a category of 2000 should be picked over a product that ranks #100 in a category of 500.
  • To further filter the list, the top seller product with the highest number of positive reviews should be picked since it is high in demand.
  • Since one gets a commission based on the price of the product being promoted. An affordably priced product between the range of $50 to $200 can be picked. Highly expensive and pricey products do not sell quickly and are not “impulsive buys”. And a very inexpensive product will not leave much room for acquiring a decent commission.
  • All other products can be discarded and only one target product should be focused on.
  • Keywords and phrases directly and logically related to the target product should be found. Various keyword research tools are available on the internet to choose from. The most relevant and searched for keywords can be filtered out and key phrases and words with less than 300 searches per month can be removed. Low-volume search phrases (300 to 1000 searches a month) can be reviewed and any items not relevant to the target category must be deleted.
  • The items that have too much competition should be deleted. Only 10-20 keywords with the least amount of competition must be picked.
  • The remaining keywords need to be filtered to identify the most common content format. The most common ones include consumer guides, selection guides, top lists, “how to do” and “how to make”, etc.
  • The next step is to create a content production plan which should include the main queries the site will address, different content formats that will be used for the affiliate program, pictures, images, article format and structure, target key phrases, site plan for Amazon Affiliate site, and the Amazon products to be promoted.
  • Top ranking websites based on the given product category can be researched to get an idea of their content format and structure, page structure, linking strategy to Amazon, infographics, images, etc.
  • The next step is to set up the site’s architecture. The main entry pages must be able to convey and establish the identity and authority of the site and build credibility.
  • Now, pick the Amazon products to be sold on the affiliate site. The products must not be too cheap or too pricey. Very cheap products burn through traffic and very expensive products do not justify the costs.
  • Select a provider and agree to the terms. To drive traffic to the Amazon affiliate site, paid advertisements and sharing content across social media is a good idea.


Making money has never been easier and Amazon is just a godsend in this matter. With a plethora of options to choose from, one can never fall short of ideas.

For someone looking to make quick money or simply pursue a side hustle, Amazon has all the answers. For any sort of Amazon business, a great profit margin can be established with almost negligible investment initially.

All it takes is an Amazon account and the will to work. What is the wait? Go and start your side hustle with Amazon now! One may be surprised at the possibilities.
You can checkout detailed video here: How To Make Money On Amazon Without Selling Anything (In 2022)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I make money from Amazon at home?

Anyone can make money from Amazon at home by selling on Amazon. It is a flexible marketplace to earn an income as it lends itself nicely to multiple business models.

Online arbitrage, drop shipping, kindle direct publishing, etc are a few methods to make money on Amazon.

2. How can I make money on Amazon $1000 a week or more online?

The amount of money earned depends on the sort of work being done. Jobs like app developer, video editor, website developer, Google Ads specialist, game developer, etc can fetch $1000 per week.

3. Is selling on Amazon a good side hustle?

Selling on Amazon is a great side hustle as it earns one a passive income. It is a giant marketplace and has a huge and loyal customer base. Once established, anyone can make very good money while also doing it at their pace.

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