How to Become a Male Stripper? An Ultimate Beginners Guide to Making a Career as Stripper

All of us have faced major life-changing career choices at some point of our lives. But being a male stripper must be at the bottom of our list, or for that matter it might not be there altogether.

In this context, this article will hand hold you towards your journey from an ordinary being to a professional male stripper.

I assure you that towards the end of the article, you will emerge as the connoisseur of male stripping world and be the Magic Mike you always aspired to be.

How To Become A Male Stripper - Complete Guide - $987/day

Groom up your Personality and Body 

Maintain a work-out regimen

Male strippers are the embodiment of sexual fantasies of other genders. They are constantly in the vigil of their customers, so you have to look your best at all times.

A properly curated work-out regimen is a must, especially for strippers who have just started their journey but are not in a good shape. You need to join a good gym in order to do weight-lifting exercises for building muscle mass.

The goal is not to look like Incredible Hulk but at least get off your skinny body. But if you don’t want to start out with gym, try engaging in other activities like swimming or running.

Maintain your diet

Hippocrates has commented, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. This signifies the utmost significance of a balanced diet in grooming your personality.

You need to cut down on trans-fat loaded food like chips, burgers, pizza. Fats, sugar, salt must be replaced by fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

You should also ensure an increase in your protein intake, either naturally through beef, eggs, and almonds or artificially through protein powder available in the market.

Patanjali in Yoga sutra has highlighted that 50% diet should be of solids, 25% of liquids and 25% space in the stomach should be left empty for air to increase digestion.

Learn dancing and take its lessons

Dance is sine qua non in order to become a successful stripper. Customers look for smooth, flexible and appealing movements which make a stripper 10 xs more attractive to them.

If you are able to pull off flexibility, consider half your job is done. You can enroll into nearby dance classes or use YouTube to look into male burlesque and erotic dance genres specific for your trade.

To make this process fun, try watching dance movies like Street Dance to hone your hip hop skills.

Improve your social skills

This is a special personality trait for introverts who have been dodging people their whole existence.

This is because strippers roam half-naked most of the times and it is important that they feel comfortable while talking to customers before they even try to fulfill their sexual fantasies. 

The secret to good communication lies in listening to other people, bringing up topics that they like instead of just blabbering about yourselves.

Hence, get out of bed and start talking with strangers for practice. It is important to improve your social skills as it will help you groom your overall personality.

So, interact as much as you can so that you can not be introverted and can easily enhance your skills. 

Come up with a Stage Name

Everyone wants their unique identification in this world. This is selecting names for a new born child is a decision parents tend to ponder upon a lot. What if the name is too common, what if people make too much fun of it or what if it’s too traditional are regular questions?

Hence, you need to choose a name which reflects your personality and helps you to stand out from the rest of the crowd. It should give a gist of sexual experience to the viewer.

For instance, regular names like Jon Smith don’t stand out as “Andre Knife”.

How to build up your Dance Routine 

Look for good speakers/ Bluetooth preferred.

Most of the time male strippers joggle between jobs, or they might go to private parties in between. Moreover, apart from established stripper clubs, some small ones might not provide you a good sound system.

This is why a good Bluetooth speaker is a must for a stripper. It provides better sound quality over your regular phone speaker which enables you to hear music over the cacophony of your client’s voices.

Look for reviews and compare features online before buying your best-friend in the stripping world. If the sound quality is good then you will feel more good and comfortable in building up your dance routine.

Arrange Costume 

When you are starting out, you have to arrange your own costumes instead of relying on the stripper club. Hence, it should be attractive and as per client’s demands. You can’t please a client's fantasy of policemen with a superman costume. Some do’s and Don’ts of costume selection are-

  • Authenticity of costume is like a nail for a hammer. You can’t rely on Halloween costumes anymore
  • Use sites like eBay for costume inspiration
  • Add snaps or Velcro
  • Tear-away clothing is in fashion
  • Complete your look with flashy and enticing underwear

Learn from other’s performances 

It is often a life-lesson provided in school to learn from others failures and employ their path to success.

Hence, going out to watch other professional male strippers is the best and cheapest stripper researcher for which you don’t need to pitch your ideas for a research grant. 

You can extensively use online platforms of male strippers and follow them to engrain their specialties in your dance routine.

Practice your moves

It is a common adage “Practice makes a man perfect”. It is important to open yourself out first with people you trust like your significant-other rather than freezing on stage in public.

Memorize your dance routine as well as words of song so you can pick your moves from anywhere, even after engaging with your clients.

Practice dancing with expressions and maintaining eye contact at all times with your clients for better results.

Choose songs and mix them up

We often hear our favorite portion of any song and skip to new songs on Spotify. This is true for stripping as well, People get bored with a single song. Hence, use free apps like Audacity or Garage band to prepare your own song-mix. Some common tips for song mix-up are-

  • Keep the music less complicated so that the focus still remains upon you.
  • Ensure a smooth flow between various parts of songs
  • Add sound effects like police siren or fire truck horn which can be easily found online

How to find the job after preparation 

Get your Portfolio done

Your portfolio is the first impression of you for any advertising agency and even your clients. And the first impression is often the last impression.

It is necessary that you don’t look cheap on them. Hence, look for good photographers in the market who are skilled in taking head and full and full body shots.

Limit the use of costumes, makeup or gimmicks, Rather make your natural features stand out by a simple eye and focus on your eyes.

Take some Online stripper training

Using a traditional approach of training like accompanying successful male strippers, gradually working up your skill ladder in a club, ensuring your sea in male revues etc give results but in a longer time span.

In the 21st CE, time feels a lot shorter. Hence online modules by “Male Stripper Academy” are your friends in the time-crisis. Their video tutorial format is easy to navigate and prepares you for the real world with utmost confidence.

Topless Waitering 

Every employer prefers to hire trained employees. Serendipity his male strippers with the opportunity of topless waitering work especially in bachelorette parties where you learn the art of communicating with women.

Besides, acquiring the job of a waiter is easier than for a male stripper because the task and skills required are very minimal which can be performed by anyone with good communication skills and confidence.

This experience will build your resume to make it look appealing just like you in the adult entertainment industry.

Contact agencies offline and online both

There are many agencies in the market, some legitimate while some bogus ones. You need to keep in mind-

  • Review online about both online and offline agencies.
  • Check if they are a registered company with facility of liability insurance
  • Check client reviews about them
  • Work for companies like Dreamboys who organize regular shows. It will give you weekly work.
  • Avoid companies who charge you to display your photos
  • Steer away from companies doing too much advertising. Chances of their illegitimacy are high.

Look for references from existing stripper’s managers

A good reference does wonders in your stripping career. They ensure the legibility of your experience and good work in your previous job.

This acts as a trust building exercise between your new employer and you who currently is unaware about your potential and background.

Hence, build a good rapport with your stripper managers. You might not know when their reference can take your career high up the notch.

Contact revue shops

You need to start your search for establishments that offer male performances. They might not give you a stage performance at the first go if you are still ill-experienced.

But there are high chances that they might help in your training, allow you to attend the performance for free or even give you topless waiter work.

How to deal with your clients 

Treat them well

A good relationship with your clients can boost up your business as well as your name in the market. Even a single instance of maltreatment breaks the illusion of client-stripper connection which doesn’t act in your favor.

You have to tweak your behavior as per the varying demographics of your clientele by gender, age, color, religion etc. Maintain your charisma, smile, posture and style at all times.

You can’t please everyone in the room

You can’t cater to everybody’s desires and there is no point getting demotivated when someone doesn’t like your work. Instead you need to keep moving forward and find your specific niche that works with your personality and charisma.

For instance, Axl Reigns has found his niche with the older crowd. Hence you need to differentiate between disinterested and interested clientele by their activities and expressions.

Try to refocus your energy on interested clients and build your customer relationships.

Avoid romantic hookups

Treat your stripping work just like a professional job. Stripping creates a charged atmosphere of feelings where you might find potential hookups easily.

But you need to steer away from them in order to maintain the illusion between stripper and client. Some clients might mistake your attention as attraction but it is who has to clear the mist of confusion.

Befriend other stripper guys

It might look at first instance that every co-worker is a competition who is competing with you for tips. Some might even steal your clients by engaging more with them.

But you should see them as key for attracting customers. They might now find customers who fit into your niche rather than their own. This will enhance your client base.

Different types of male stripping: 

Male strip club work

This type of male stripping happens specifically in a permanent venue, also called a club. Its hundred percent focus lies on female clientele.

Just like a woman's strip where performers are female strippers and clients are men, this club features male performers for women clients on all days of the week.

Male strippers woo female customers and offer private lap-dances in return for a good pay. These clubs offer a healthy environment for women to fulfill their sexual desires and for male strippers to monetize on this opportunity.

Male Revue work

This is the second type of male stripping option for you. It is different from a male strip club in the sense that it doesn’t offer a permanent work venue.

Rather these are a kind of organized groups who perform stripping routines from venue to venue in different cities around the world. They can also choose to perform for just 2-3 hours in an organized strip club every weekend.

They create a theatrical environment where all male strippers perform together on pre-set dance routines every time. Hence, what differentiates them is their key feature of nomadic work culture.

Strip-a-gram work 

This third type of stripping work is what gives you the most flexibility in your work as you work here as a freelance male stripper. You have the freedom to take offers or deny them without breaching any contract.

This avoids the buildup of acrimonious relationships between agency and yourselves. You can be asked to perform a 15-20 minutes show in a hotel, motel, house, venue, air BnB or even karaoke rooms.

The occasions can range from bachelorette parties, birthday parties, baby showers to divorce parties, girls night out, swinger parties and other crazy events.

All you need to do is perform your set dance routine as per the demand of the client and keep your costumes and Bluetooth speaker ready.

If everything is ready and on time than client will also be satisfied with your performance and in this case the chances of payment increases. 

So that’s it fellow strippers for you to start your travails as a sexy stripper. You just need to be conscious of the steps I have provided above in order to ward off your anxieties about this industry and emerge with flying colors in Lap-dances. 

Once you have ingrained these steps, sky's the limit for you to explore out deeply in various dance routines, dance styles, props, costume designs, agencies, portfolios, diets, exercise, strip clubs and so on.

But always ensure to follow these steps if you really want to a male stripper.


What is a male strip dancer called?

A male strip dancer is also called a Casanova, seducer, gigolo, Lothario who provides erotic entertainment by undressing on the sounds of music.

He fulfills sexual fantasies of women in return for a payment. But the payment should be good as it will help him to give his best towards his dance. If the payment is low then he will not be able to give his best.

How much money do you get stripping?

Statistics highlight that 8/10 male strippers only work for weekends; still they make more money than the average person.

However, when working for touring companies like Chippendales or Thunder From Down Under, you are treated as an employee and all your tips go to the company.

How do I get started in stripping?

To get started in stripping it is necessary for you to follow these steps so that it would be easy for you!

  • Decide on your type of stripping option
  • Get experience by engaging in topless waitering
  • Get male stripper training
  • Acquire all props, costumes, music for your routines
  • Apply for your first male stripper job

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