Would you like to be a stripper and get as many dollars as you can by your admirers?
Stripping is not meant only for the men, but nowadays women too enjoy themselves by seeing a hot bodybuilder stripper getting his clothes off slowly.
Despite that, the major strip clubs are still run on the mercy of dripping hot bombshells who do not mind stripping naked to please the audience.
The lucrative income and kick it gives to the individuals who take up stripping as a profession makes it a good career option for those who want to get rid of their day job.

All they need to do is join a decent strip club and start performing. However, this is not as easy as it looks. Strippers are not regular women but they have to maintain their body like top models as everything depends on how toned and flawless their body is.
Therefore, it requires many efforts and hard work to become a stripper. Today we will give information and details which will help you while you are backing yourself to enter into the stripping business.
There are a lot of preparations that has to be done before becoming a stripper. Like any other job, stripping also demands lot of efforts. Every year, many young girls choose to strip at a club to earn some extra cash. But they do not prepare for it and often get stuck in a vicious circle.
As we all know, the stripping industry earns a lot of revenue. The strip clubs often take advantage of young girls, and that leads to harassment. Here, we will go through some points that shed light on the “dos and don'ts” of the stripping industry.
If you are aspiring to become a stripper and want to earn some extra bucks, go through the following to make your experience hassle-free.
Quick Advice from a Veteran Stripper - Honest Tips
Learn dancing
The first and foremost aspect of a successful stripper is the ability to perform well. Every stripper is a performer. You may or may not be a well-trained dancer, but you must be aware of some sexy moves. Watch videos of professional strippers for more information.
Learn how a professional dancer twerks. Dancing around a pole is the initial stage of entering the stage. Learn the basics of pole dancing. If a guest calls you for a lap dance, make sure that you are well versed in the techniques. Your primary purpose should be to satisfy your customer.
Prepare your body
Your body will be the center of attraction at the strip club. You can attract a lot of customers if you possess a ravishing physique. You must maintain your body well.
Follow the Rules
Strip clubs have specific rules and regulations. Once you are a member of a club, learn all the rules before you perform for the first time.
Some clubs do not allow their dancers to meet the customers outside. Strippers cannot have a relationship with the guests in a few clubs.
Some clubs have set the amount of daily fees that you need to pay directly or indirectly. This charge can range from USD 10 to USD 100.

Many joints will make you pay the manager, DJ, etc. a specific amount from your earnings. In some places, they cut a percentage from your daily earnings. Make sure that you are familiar with all the regulations of that particular place.
Your safety should be of the utmost importance. Many strip clubs would ensure the safety of their dancers. But, ultimately, your protection lies in your own hands.
For every performer, self-belief is the key. Nobody would spend money on a lousy dancer. You must portray your every move with utter grace. Make your customers want you. Every guest should have their eyes on you. Once you hit the stage, become the most electrifying performer.
Be upfront with the guests; ask whether they want a private dance. Ask such questions with charm so that it becomes difficult for the other person to deny. Your ultimate goal is to earn money. So, take it as a job and don’t let any opportunity go away.
Avoid drama
As they say, choose your friends wisely. Veteran performers often say that they never made any friends at the strip clubs. Friendships do not last in an environment like these.
Concentrate on your work and avoid drama. Stay away from politics that brews in majority of the clubs.

Do not forget that other strippers are your competitors and making money is everyone's goal there. Focusing on the job is essential. The other girls won’t always be nice to a new entrant.
If anyone is over-sweet to you, stay alert of them too. Be kind to everyone but set your boundaries.
Mental preparation
Every stripper that you'll meet will have a badass attitude. This attitude has a valid reason behind it. You have to be tough to make it big in the club. While you prepare for your performance for the night, make sure to wear that bitchy attitude with your outfit as well.
Your peers might not understand your job. You don't need to receive respect from everyone. Be mentally sane to tackle such situations. Do not explain to anyone about your work and avoid arguments. Others have not gone through your struggle.
They don’t know how tough your life is. So, get ready to receive some judgments and tackle them like an absolute boss. If you are a young aspiring stripper who wants to join the industry, then click here and here to view some strip clubs across the world that welcome amateurs with open arms.
How to be a Unique Stripper
#1 Survey the Challenge & Competition

Many women fancy the idea of becoming a stripper just by seeing some vague movie that features hot strippers getting heavily tipped by their clients. However, it is not enough to bounce your tits and jiggle your ass for being a professional stripper.
Stripping is an art which is a seamless blend of seductive moves and various dance forms that complement a perfectly toned and well-endowed body. It is necessary for a stripper to learn pole dance, a little acrobatics, twerking and much more which are the actual ingredients that make a professional stripper.
To get a quick overview of all the things starts by visiting a few of the strip clubs first. See how things are handled and managed there, how the audience and people react to the moves of the strippers and how the strippers manage to take care of themselves despite the hustle and cheering going all around them.
A few local bar clubs can make you nervous but not all the strip clubs at like that. So initially decide which strip club suits you the best.
Types of Strip Clubs
There are three basic types of strip clubs that you can choose from:
Local Strip Clubs
Local strip bars are usually meant for those who cannot afford the entry tickets of elite strip clubs.
Therefore, a lot of countryside crowd will be your regular customers, and most of them are indecent in their manners and rough in their ways.

Also, chances of getting heavily tipped are very less in such local strip bars, and they even hire a stripper sometimes at very fewer salaries. Not many women dream of going there as it also raises serious concerns about their security.
However, some girls and women start their journey at the local strip bars as facing a huge audience at an elite bar is much more intimidating for them than facing drunken truckers and countryside hooligans.
One advantage of these strip bars is that you get to wear whatever you feel like and there is no restriction on the clothes you wear. The only demand is that the attire you are wearing must be a little revealing.
Neighborhood Strip Clubs
A neighbourhood strip club can be the perfect place to start your stripping journey if you are a newcomer in this field.
These strip clubs usually attract the bachelors, tourists, local shopkeepers and everyone else who are not filthy rich but can afford to tip off some of their income to the sexy strippers.
The crowd here is a little less rough and little more decent when it comes to handling and talking with strippers, and therefore you can adjust yourself quite easily here.

Also, here you will get a fair idea about how the huge strip clubs are handled and how to manage your stage fears and fears to strip before an audience.
Also, you will have to follow certain dress codes and themes to attract and lure your customers in paying you more. If you manage all these aspects in a neighbourhood club, you will be able to polish your skills and climb the success ladder much quicker.
Gentleman’s Clubs
Now, these clubs might be somewhat similar to what you've seen in movies.
These clubs are meant for the rich men who do not mind spending a few hundred or even thousand dollars if a stripper pleases them.
The settings and lighting of these clubs are grand, and you instantly get gripped in the atmosphere.
Such clubs do not allow you to wear anything and have strict dress codes which you will have to follow at all times.

Also, these clubs have a larger audience most of the times, and therefore your stage fear can vanish more quickly here.
Moreover, you will be getting heavy tips from your clients, and you will have to part some of your cash with the bar attendees, waiters, and other staff which support and help you throughout the night. You will get a lot of opportunities to learn dancing moves and the ways to lure your customers here.
However, for qualifying for the gentleman's clubs, you might have to learn pole dancing, twerking and other erotic dance forms to keep the audience entertained and glued to your strip club.
#2 Accessorize with Gusto

Fancy and colorful accessories will help you during an audition meant for select strippers. However, it is not necessary to wear your stilettos while auditioning. You must also not necessarily wear extra skimpy and revealing outfits while presenting yourself in an audition.
A short skirt worn on tight bottom jeans that reveals your shape and figure is enough to give the selection panel an idea about your sexy and well-toned figure.
Stripper Costumes and Blings 101
The first and perhaps the most important accessory for a stripper are her long heeled stripper stilettos.
They usually have five to six inches long heels, and you also must practice how to walk and dance with the stilettos on.

Another thing which is mandatory for performing in a strip club is your g-string.
G-strings which are actually thongs which are extra revealing and sexy make a striptease performance much more arousing and stimulating for the audience.
As a result, most of the strip clubs and even the strip bars make it compulsory for their female strippers to wear a g-string before every performance.

Mini-skirts, sexy gowns, and other revealing outfits are a must have for a stripper, and you will get accustomed to wearing them once you get trained in the art of stripping.
Some strip clubs also make their female strippers wear sexy bunny crowns and therefore you must be comfortable wearing these crowns too.

#3 Bring Out the Inner Slut

While auditioning and/or working as a stripper, acting slutty and sexy is a definite MUST. Being polite, honest and humble works in all the professions including that of a stripper so be wise and witty but do not go overboard and appear snobbish in front of the judging panel.
If they ask you to perform a particular dance move or even a full split, be sporting enough to perform it but if you are unaware or unable to perform them due to some reason be polite and honest enough to state the right reasons for the same.
Mostly, people do understand your situation, and therefore it is always wise to speak out your heart.
Stripper Auditions - How to Get the Job
They will mostly ask you to walk with the stilettos on. Therefore, do not forget to carry your stilettos even if you are not wearing them. Sometimes the panel might not provide stilettos for performing the walk, or the stilettos they provide might not be even comfortable.
Therefore, it is always advisable to carry your own stilettos in which you are comfortable walking in. Make sure that you do not freak out or get nervous while walking. Do not take huge steps or hurry while walking. Keep your confidence high and walk as you normally do only with a little more poise and appeal.
If you follow all these things perfectly chances of you doing great with your walk and getting selected increases by a great extent.
#4 Work Around the Job

Getting selected in an audition is not enough although it is a great achievement.
Being professional and strict work ethics will help you reach an elite level in a seamless manner. The first and the most important thing after getting selected is checking the paperwork which will give you an idea about your earnings and the taxes you will be liable for after signing up the contract papers.
Most of the strip clubs help you with all these things if they find you too hot or hard to resist but do not forget to read before signing any contract. Also, check if the shifts are comfortable for you.
Strip clubs run their business late in the evening and all through the night and some clubs are also known to be busy till wee hours. Therefore, if a particular time does not suit you inform the club hiring you well in advance so that you can proceed with the other formalities.
You might have been got selected but to maintain your popularity among the regular visitors of the club, you will have to choose a stage name for your performances. Some strip clubs give you the name but make sure that it suits your personality as well.
Setting Your Stripper Name - What and How to Pick
Make it a point to refuse common names like Angela, Rose, etc. Ensure that your name sounds both unique and pleasant so that your customers remember your name weeks after your performance.
Also, ensure that you are always carrying your id with you especially when you are working in the late hours during the night. Make sure that they provide you transport facility so that you do not freak out every time you are travelling back to your home.
Most of the professional strip clubs do provide all the security and travelling facilities, but it is always wise to confirm it first rather regretting over it later.
A make-up bag is an important accessory for any stripper. Therefore, make it a point to carry all the essential make-up accessories and kits with you so that you always look good before, in-between and even after your performance.
Also, remember to carry a make-up removal kit so that you can look clean and fresh after every performance. Remember that your bag contains a good lock to ensure that all your essentials remain safe while you are performing.
#5 Understand Stripper Etiquette

Now that you have understood everything about your security and safety, it is time to learn etiquettes that will help you in the long run. Suppose you are dancing with your fellow strippers for a group and one of them wants you to dance in private for him.
It is ok to be asked out for a private dance but before you take him to a special VIP lounge or private area make sure that the tips the other dancers that were performing before him.
If he does not pay to make it a point to give out some of your accumulate tips to them especially if you have earned a huge bonus tip for the day. Also, do not forget to tip off the waiters, bouncers and support staff as they too work hard to keep the environment nuisance-free and safe for you.
If all these etiquettes are followed properly, you are surely going to be a famous stripper very soon.
Basic Stripper Etiquette from a Seasoned Stripper
Major "Don'ts" All Stripper Should Know
Final Thoughts
Stripping is like any other job. You have to work hard, you can have uncomfortable work timings, but you will earn money. The taboo that revolves around stripping is slowly fading away. People are accepting strippers with a broader mind as a part of society.
We hope that the article would benefit the aspiring girls in a different way.