Womanizer Vibrator Review for Clitoral Stimulation

The Womanizer vibrator is an absolutely special, absolutely great sex toy that you will totally love. 

Of the considerable number of items that are used to give the ultimate pleasure, this is one of the perfect choices for getting sexual desires.

Light but effective vibrations, combined with delicate suction, make the Womanizer vibrator a stand-out affair you won't overlook and won’t forget.

Womanizer Vibrator’s designed in such a way that its silicon head amidst the use stimulates the clitoris.

It is essentially is one of the main reasons for the insane pleasure, as the vibration barely touches the area. Other than having sexy with a real guy, the Womanizer sex toy will be your go to guy.

It’s like one of those anticipated moments where something is about to happen gives us much more bliss than the actual thing. 

Womanizer Vibrator Review

How is using the Womanizer Vibrator scientifically pleasurable?

  • Sex toys, more specifically Womanizer Vibrators, have engines within it, which runs at different frequencies. While some run at low, some run at very high, depending on your preferences. Irrespective of all this, the pleasure is unreal.
  • It comes with an air compression pump that acts with the suction and adds pressure to the vibrations. Giving you an oral sex illusion.
Womanizer Vibrator Review

How can you spice things up?

  • If you are into oral sex, this thing will be your best friend!
  • Upon the accurate placement, the stimulation gives you a sensation of a tongue rolling over your clitoris, minus the unnecessary saliva all over, making you disgusted by the entire process.
  • You can initiate slowly and steadily, and as you go with it, you can go and increase the frequency enjoying the sensation as it hits all the right walls simultaneously. Plus, if you’re one of those who closely identify as ‘asexual,’ then Womanizer Vibrator is a win-win situation
  • It not only stimulates high sex drive within you, making you crave sex over & over again; but also help you climax within a few minutes.
  • You don't need to depend on your idiotic partner and his weird fantasies and simply indulge in a little ”me” time.

High chances of experiencing multiple orgasms!

  • The product concerns increasing women’s chance of experiencing multiple orgasms. Studies have shown that 75% of women have chances of experiencing it, while most of them haven’t even experienced it while having sex. 
  • So this most definitely could be a great deal!

Usable with a Partner

  • It is also a gender-friendly product. It doesn’t matter if you’re straight or not, you can use it on your partner either way, as it doubles the pleasure. In regards to a man, it stimulates his frenulum.
  • Womanizer Vibrator is also a great prop for those couples who are keenly interested in Doppelganger.

Usable for Nipple Stimulation

  • Because of the product’s suction-ish nature, it is very much suitable for nipple stimulation. So obviously, if you enjoy simultaneous stimulation, a Womanizer Vibrator is a great catch.
  • And the best part, it doesn't need batteries. You don’t have to stress about the battery dying and killing off the mood, while you’re in the middle of the action. You can go on and on, and it will still pleasure you at the same intensity.

Experience the Best Orgasms

Even if you aren’t fond of vibrators or achieving clitoral orgasms, what will pull you into the Womanizer vibrator will be its guarantee of light, backhanded vibrations, combined by light suction, offering an unexpected involvement in comparison to different vibrators that are available.

You will not be disappointed with the Womanizer sex toy.

When utilizing the Womanizer, the silicone head is set over the clitoris, which ensures precise, pinpoint stimulation, however the vibration doesn't really touch the clitoris specifically.

Tragically, in view of the toy's design, it's conceivable that it may not fit easily over big clitorises.

You'll know the toy is appropriately put, by feeling as well as in light of the fact that once in position, the toy instantly calms from a rumbly volume to a practically intangible noise.

Womanizer Vibrator Review

Once comfortably placed, the toy's suction component easily comes into notice, it doesn't precisely have a feel for "sucking" in essence however kind of like oral sex, if your accomplice had a ludicrously small tongue and concentrated just on your clit.

The Womanizer has six levels of intensity, each press of the vast jeweled button brings it up one level and tapping the power button will cut it down again to level one.

Level four of the Womanizer sex toy is one of the most enjoyable levels; level five is pleasurable however it is too intense, and level can be too much too handle, especially for first time users.

Most of the vibrators you will find on the market are either too weak or they lack power but this one is pure pleasure and power combined into one vibrator. 

For some clitoral stimulation and achieving orgasms through clitoris stimulation is too much work, as it does take too much time. But with the help of Womanizer vibrator, it gets easy and very much pleasurable.

With the Womanizer, you can have a climax in a matter of minutes, with no inner stimulation at all! At a certain point, you will really find yourself holding your breath; it's hard to believe, but it's true, this toy is so great, you will forget to breathe!

In the event that that doesn't explain to you how insane the Womanizer sex toy is, you should read on the Womanizer review and decide for yourself.

Type of Womanizer Vibrator: Two Heads for Stimulation

Utilizing the Womanizer vibrator will have one, rather peculiar, effect on you whatsoever: it will make you irrationally and uncontrollably horny.

Since the toy concentrates just on the clit, even after various Womanizer-induced climaxes, you will find yourself carving for sex after sex and other kinds of stimulation.

When you will experiment with the sex toy you will find yourself horny and craving for sex with a real person, again and again.

On the off chance that, you're a major fan of penetrative sex acts, you might need to consider utilizing the Womanizer vibrator in contrast with your most loved dildo, or other internal toy.

For fans of different stimulations, the Womanizer just won't cut it when utilized without anyone other toy, as it just offers a particular and restricted sensation.

Womanizer Vibrator Review

Something else you will love about the Womanizer (besides utilizing it!) is that it is accompanied by an additional silicone head.

Not only would this be incredible on the off chance that you lost one or if you damage one of the head, it would likewise allow for speedy and simple sharing of the toy with an accomplice.

Rather than cleaning the toy and killing the mood for some playtime, the heads could be immediately changed out for an erotic and sanitary experience.

As to its size, at 6.5 inches in length and 2 inches in circumference, it is somewhat bigger than what you would expect, but it fits quite appropriately in your hands.

I additionally loved that the Womanizer clitoral stimulator accompanied a hard-shell carrying case. It fits the toy, as well as the greater part of its accessories and would make the toy easy to toss into a bag and go with, if wanted.

Cleaning and Hygiene

When it comes down to hygiene, cleaning the product can be a tedious little business, as the vibrator isn’t waterproof. 

However, the silicon-based head can be removed and cleaned thoroughly while the plastic cap must be cleaned with a wet cloth. Be careful though, as you might end up damaging the toy as it’s not so waterproof.

Also, keep away from silicon-based and fragrant lubricants, as they could damage the silicon component of the product.

  • Make sure the device turns off and the charging cables are plugged off too.
  • Remove the topmost part of the toy to expose the pressure spot.
  • Take lukewarm water and carefully dip just the pressure chamber into it. With the thing still in the water, switch on the device, and put it on to high intensity. Switch it off and throw the water.
  • Now take a good quality silicon-free cleaner and put it gently on the chamber. Switch the thing on and again put it on high intensity while you shake it side by side vigorously. Now switch it off and dry it with a towel. Make sure all the excess water has been removed.
  • You may also spray the cleaner on an earbud and gently clean the inside of the pressure chamber.
Womanizer Vibrator Review

And there you go, pleasure and everything is at its place but never neglect the hygiene as the toy can have a lot of bacteria, even more, if you have shared it with someone. 

Without forgetting, clean it thoroughly after every use! Be bacteria-free.

Aesthetic Issues with the Womanizer

You will cherish everything about the Womanizer toy; however you might not appreciate the aesthetic qualities of the vibrator.

The name Womanizer can also put you off as the name “womanizer” is given to a person who advantages of or disrespects the woman to have sex with them and then not having to commit to anything.

If you can get past these small things, then you are in for a treat. The Womanizer vibrator will give you orgasms like never before.

Additionally the design of the vibrator at the first look isn’t very much appealing or very much intriguing, the larger than usual gemstone button and the panther print details on the vibrator aren't for everybody.

Combined with the Womanizer's to a great degree light weight, you would form an opinion that it is a cheap toy that might not satisfy you or might get damaged easily.

This notion is very much wrong. But generally speaking, the mind boggling pleasure from the Womanizer toy outweighs any dismay. In addition, the Womanizer vibe comes in 5 other color schemes, which takes into account an assortment of stylish tastes.

World's First Stimulation Toy

Benefits of using Womanizer Vibrator

Instead of shying away from your vibrators and putting it to shame by hiding it away, you should start paying it more respect as it has many more health benefits than you are aware of.

Here are some of them:

  1. 1
    Help you sleep peacefully: If you struggle with insomnia, orgasm can surely be a much-needed hug that you possibly never got! As you may know, orgasm releases sleep-inducing hormones. So you will be getting your beauty sleep without any anxiety, stress, and overthinking whatsoever!
  2. 2
    It relieves stress: If you’re an overly anxious person, Womanizer Vibrator will help you a bunch as when you orgasm, you will release serotonin hormone, which beats your stress—also known as “feel-good hormones.” So even if you’re not much of a sexual person, to keep your mental health stable, this product could be a great antidepressant.
  3. 3
    Heart –friendly: Dopamine and Serotonin are not just happy hormones. They also keep your stress under control, which directly links to your heart problems. If you even have two orgasms a week, you’re less likely to have heart problems. Maybe that’s why the heart problems in older adults are much more significant as their sex drives deplete. Also, sometimes in depressed teenagers. Depression kills your sex drive.
  4. 4
    Vaginal hygiene: Daily use of vibrator secretes juices that keep your vagina clean and moisturized, which is essential. It also enables vaginal elasticity that prevents infections in the cervix. The point between the cervix and urinal extract won’t release any unnecessary fluids out.
  5. 5
    Pain killer: Many women face intense period cramps, and orgasms help in relieving that as well. Not just period cramps but also headaches, as those arousing hormones and pain reduction hormones link together. That’s why, while intercourse, along with pleasure, you feel the pain as well.
  6. 6
    Enriched and fulfilling sex life: Everybody likes experimenting. Straight out of ‘Nicholas Sparks’ book sex is excellent, but 50 shades here and there is incredible. It spices it up, so if you’re into BDSM, perfect! So you won’t be one of those vanilla couples whose sex lives become bland, and then the significant other goes on and find solace in someone else’s sheets.
  7. 7
    Help you through painful sex: Are you one of those who hate sex because it is painful? Or worse, never tried because you were too scared? Well, here comes a Womanizer Vibrator to your rescue.Studies have often shown your vaginal walls contract, making it hard for penetration resulting in intense pain. What vibrator does is classify your vaginal walls and makes the sexual experience much more pleasurable. You can start by the slimmest toy and increase the sizes as you get used to it to add more fun.
  8. 8
    You will orgasm much faster: If you’re a little less sensitive and take your sweet innocent time while using this product, you will cum hard. The product design is such that it hits the right spot giving you inexplicable pleasure within a few minutes.
  9. 9
    Comes with a travel kit: It comes with a small box, approximately the size of a sunglasses case, that also provides a small pocket for bottles of lubricants.
  10. 10
    It doesn’t need batteries: Unlike other sex toys in the market, Womanizer Vibrator doesn’t work on use and throw batteries. While there should always be scope for new products, it is fantastic when sex toys sustain themselves and come with extra battery life and rechargeable pieces. 
  11. 11
    Release Sexual Tension: Often, we are so much busier in our lives or maybe in a long-distance relationship that we don’t have time or access to our partner; hence, craving physical touch and built sexual tension. And if it is not released, it can even be frustrating at times. So here’s come Womanizer Panties to take all of your stress away. It helps you climax and unleash all the built-up energy.
  12. 12
    A good overview of your wants and needs: As they, if you don’t explore yourself first, how else will you know what you enjoy? So, upon using Womanizer Vibrator and getting used to its stimulations and vibrations, you discover what works for you, what turns the most. It’s not just for fun and games, well, in a way, it is, But it also gives you confidence. And the next time you are having sex, you can even instruct him upon what and how somethings happen for you to feel the insane amount of pleasure.

Final Thoughts

The Womanizer is by a wide margin the best sex toy item that you will ever experience- hands down, no contest there.

Womanizer Vibrator is a gateway to multiple orgasms, good mental/ physical health, and elite sex life! So if you have read through and followed all the mentioned measures carefully, you will fall in love with the product.

It is one of the best options for woman who are looking intense, powerful and strong orgasms with clitoral stimulation. The womanizer reviews from every woman are great.

Womanizer Vibrator Review

The interesting design and usefulness of the Womanizer toy take into account for powerful yet delicate, indirect clitoral stimulation.

This toy can be prescribed to anybody with a clitoris, especially individuals who don't love vibrators or experience serious difficulties discovering one that works for them.

Even if you don't care for the name, yet the advantages of really utilizing the Womanizer far exceeded that factor.

On the off chance that you feel that the Womanizer vibe might be somewhat out of your price range, rather than picking a less expensive option, start saving some money – you will love it! Your journey for a vibrator you'll love will be over with the Womanizer vibe.

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