The Basics of Impregnation Fetish (Complete GUIDE)

Different people have different kinds of fetishes when it comes to sex. There are some crazy and weird fetishes in the world which can even question the normalcy of the people who have them.

Some people get high by sniffing the armpits of their partner while some women love to wear high heels while having sex.

Some of these fetishes are very common whereas some are rare and can be found in only some individuals. One such fetish is the impregnation fetish.

Impregnation fetish refers to the excitement women feel by thinking that they may conceive a baby while having sex.

However weird it may sound but the fact remains that countless women in the world get high at the idea of getting pregnant and it is not abnormal at all.

Impregnation fetish is nothing but a paraphilia characterized by the gratification, else the arousal a person might get with the thought of having unprotected sex and getting pregnant. 

Even some men feel excited at the thought of making their lady pregnant, but the percentage in men is quite small compared to that in women. 

Today we are going to discuss everything about the impregnation fetish and the things which are related to it. Let us discuss things more in detail:Enter your text here...

What is Pregnancy Fetish?

Is impregnation fetish normal?

Are you the one who feels kinky at the thought of having a baby after or during the intercourse? If yes, the thing may be bothering you, and you might feel that this is not normal but rest assured as the idea of getting pregnant has been the source of inspiration behind sex to women since ages.

Not many have discussed it, but they do feel ecstatic when they think about this risk involved while indulging in sex.

Therefore, you are certainly not alone if you have an impregnation fetish. However, if the question still bothers you, you can use the internet to find out if other women have a similar fetish as you have.

You can use the social media platforms, post on a sex forum and discuss the topic or use the chat option available in many of the sex-related websites. By doing this, you will find out that the impregnation fetish is not an abnormal thing and there is no harm in having one!

What makes the impregnation fetish so special?

  • Thinking of the risk is arousing- Some people get high from the risk factor, and unprotected sex contains a lot of risks. The very idea that you might get pregnant kicks you to go for it. It enhances the whole mood.  The risk involved in having unprotected sex is arousing enough for both the men and women. The thrill is similar to the one you get while having sex at public places because there is always a risk of getting stopped or caught.
  • Men like the idea of dominance- Men know that they have the power to make their counterparts pregnant, and they love being the dominant party here. To have impregnation fetish can remind some men that they are the boss. Even men can find this risk sexy enough to make them go hard and rough while having sex. Making a woman pregnant is more under control of her man for the obvious reason. This can give him a sense of dominance, and there are even some communities and cultures where a man has the decisive power of choosing whether to make his woman pregnant or not. This thing can make impregnation thing special for both the partners.
  • Unprotected sex - direct contact of genitals is stimulating- When you have unprotected sex, your genitals get to touch each other just the way they are. The skin-to-skin sensation gets you going, and that's why some love unprotected sex.The sexiest thing about the impregnation fetish is that you are compelled to have sex without a condom. The direct contact of your genitals makes the process a lot more stimulating for both the partners and they might feel the urge of doing so even when they should not be doing it for. eg. At the time of periods where the chances of getting impregnated are very high.  
  • Result to higher ejaculation- When you have unprotected sex, you know that you will be directly ejaculating inside the women. It means that it increases your ejaculation chances. And the end purpose of having sex is to have higher ejaculation. Some women who have both semen fetish and impregnation fetish may feel very kinky just at the thought of having unprotected sex. This may lead to higher ejaculation, and such women are more prone to be addicted to unprotected sex.

Impregnation Fetish v.s. Pregnancy Fetish

However similar they may look like to you, the fact remains that pregnancy and impregnation fetishes are different things. Pregnancy fetish refers to the sexual arousal a woman feels after getting pregnant and similarly a man too can feel aroused at the idea of having sex with a pregnant lady.

This is quite dissimilar to the idea of impregnation fetish where a woman may not be willing to conceive a baby but might be just aroused at the idea of getting pregnant while having sex. Therefore, pregnancy and impregnation fetishes are two different things.

Risks Involved with impregnation fetish

Even though impregnation fetish can give you the required amount of high that you want, you are still risking yourself. Here are some risks involved with impregnation fetish. 

  • Vulnerable to STDs - STD stands for the sexually transmitted disease. When you have unprotected sex, you have direct contact with the other person's genitals, and it means that there are higher chances of having STDs from each other. The chance of getting pregnant is not the only risk associated with the impregnation fetish. The fact that you are having unprotected sex makes you vulnerable to many sex-related diseases and disorders. Sex without a condom can lead to STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) or STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections). A man can transmit these diseases and infections to a woman, or the man can also get infected by it while having sex with a woman already suffering from them.
  • Higher chance of contracting HIV - If the person you are having unprotected sex with has HIV, and he comes in direct contact with you, it is evident that you will have HIV as well. To protect from HIV, you should always ask the male partner to wear a condom. HIV is difficult to deal with. The worst thing that the impregnation fetish can do to you is you getting contracted with HIV which eventually will lead to AIDS. Therefore, having sex without a condom may not be as kinky idea as it seems to be and you must be more practical to make wise decisions in life.
  • Birth control pills have side effects - Even if you think that birth control pills will reduce the chances of getting pregnant, unfortunately, they come with many side effects. Some of the side effects are inter-menstrual spotting, nausea, breast tenderness, headaches, weight gain, decreased libido, and missed periods. Some women who have impregnation fetish tend to consume birth control pills simply because they do not want to have a baby. Studies and research have shown that consumption of hormone control tablets or capsules is not safe for you in the long run and can ruin your mental as well as physical well being.

What to Consider if You have impregnation fetish

If you have an impregnation fetish, you must consider keeping a few things if you don't want to get pregnant. 

Carefully track your ovulation days

You need to ensure that you are carefully tracking your ovulation days; this way, you will lower the chances of getting pregnant and still enjoy it. 

Plan ahead

Also, you need to be sure that you want to try it because there is always a risk of getting pregnant. Therefore, plan accordingly, and know what to do in case you become pregnant.

Get tested

Participating or encouraging impregnation fetish means you are planning to have sex without a condom. The first and the foremost thing you should do in such cases is to get yourself, and your partner completely checked and tested for STD's and STI's.

Also, do an HIV test just in case you are in a new relationship.Doing such tests does not mean that you doubt your partner it just means that you both care for each other and do not want grimy things to happen. Once you have done that, you must wait for the results.

If the results are all good, you may proceed to satiate your impregnation fetish.

Use protection (If you honestly don't want a surprise baby)

Even if you like the idea of getting pregnant, and you enjoy the fear factor involved, there is more chance that you may not genuinely want to get pregnant. That’s why you should use condoms, etc. to protect yourself.

As per the NHS, do you know that condoms lessen the chances of getting pregnant by 98%? It means only two females can get pregnant out of 100 even if the partner wears a condom.

Now that you can have unprotected sex with your partner do not forget the fact that the risk of getting pregnant is still on. Therefore, if you are having a period, then you definitely must avoid having unprotected sex by all means if you do not wish to be pregnant.

Also, you can use contraceptives to avoid pregnancy during this period. The ovulation of the female egg starts way before your menstrual cycle which can be approximately 12-15 days. Therefore, you need to use birth control pills or contraceptives during this period as well.

There are many modern techniques and testing methods available now which let you determine whether you are proceeding towards a menstrual period or not. You can make use of these techniques to be sure before having sex without a condom.

Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills can be taken as well once you have unprotected sex to lessen pregnancy chances.

One such birth control pill that you can take is Progestin Emergency Contraception.You should take only one pill as soon as possible after having unprotected sex. It has 75 to 94% chances of success rate. 

Does the Pull-Out Method Work?

Consider IUDs and Implants

IUD is a coil; in other words, an intrauterine device, a small device, will be in T-shape. It is made of plastic.

It will be put inside the female partner in the uterus. Only a professional will be able to insert it. As per Healthline, this is 99% effective. This means that only one person has the chance of getting pregnant out of 100 people by using IUD. 

Find a suitable partner

Many single women and divorced ladies too have this fetish and can find it very frustrating not to satiate it. Finding a suitable partner for sex itself is quite an ordeal for many women and to find a partner who is okay with your impregnation fetish can be a real uphill task for you.

However, do not loose hopes as there are numerous individuals on the internet and social media who are willing to support your fetishes as such fetishes ride them. Finding such partners can be a tasking job, but it is certainly not impossible.

You need to research and connect with such people and try to know them more as your bond gets stronger.

After all the compatibility tests if you feel that you have found a suitable partner, do not forget to get all the tests done for both of you to be sure that you are not transmitting or receiving any other thing apart from sex and semen exchange.  

Pull out the nick of time

Also, if you want to avoid pregnancy at all costs ask your partner to pull out his member from you the moment he feels that he is closing to an orgasm. You can satisfy him even after pulling out by giving him a blow job or hand job that would blow his mind away.

The women who have impregnation fetish are naturally attracted to semen, and if they wish to play with cum after having sex or giving a blowjob, they must be allowed to do so.Impregnation fetish can get kinky and wild, and you need to be prepared for everything while having sex with men and women who have such obsessions.

If we go by Healthline, it seems that the pull-out method works at least 78%. However, there is a chance that out of 100 women, at least 22% of them will get pregnant. 

7 Mistakes that Result to Pregnancy

What are the consequences of impregnation fetish?

Having an impregnation fetish comes with its own risks. First, you have the essential thing to fear: you might get pregnant, and other effects of having unprotected sex are stress, HIV, and STDs. Impregnation fetish is a fetish where you have sex without any protection.

Even if you have protected sex, you will still have chances of getting pregnant, but then the chances are less. 

  • Responsibilities of becoming a parent might be challenging- If you are someone who is a teenager, the risk of having a baby becomes even a big hurdle because the expense of raising a baby is not manageable. Unplanned babies are always challenging to raise. You don't know how your parents might react, society might not accept your baby, and then the baby's father may ditch you too. The risk is always there. Also, if you are a college-goer, raising a kid becomes double the responsibility. 
  • Abortion is illegal in some countries- There are a few countries where abortion is entirely or partially banned. So, your fun of ecstasy may turn into a nightmare if you are not mentally prepared to have a baby—some counties where abortion is completely banned are Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Malta. Imagine getting pregnant in these countries, and you never thought of having a child, you will be bound to keep your baby, and you won't even be allowed to do anything.
  • Readiness physically, emotionally, and mentally might be overwhelming- Being pregnant means a lot of physical, emotional, and mental pressure too. All of these together can make your life a lot overwhelming. This is true in the case when the person is not ready to become a mother yet. 

What to do when you get pregnant?

Even after taking all the precautions and safety measures for having impregnation urges satisfied, the chances of getting pregnant aren’t minimized to zero.

That means that you can be pregnant in spite of all the safety measures which can be a grim thing for both you and your partner.

You had unprotected sex, and finally, the unplanned happened. You became pregnant. So, what to do in such a case. Here are some advises for you:

Talk with your partner

The first and the most necessary thing to do in such cases is to talk about it with your partner. The idea of impregnation fetish was your own but if your partner had consented to it both you and he must be ready for the consequences as well.

The moment you get to know that you are pregnant, it is always better to communicate the same with the baby's father. See what he has to see in it. Things will depend on you and your partner. Decide whether you want to keep the baby.

If yes, then talk about how you will share your responsibilities. Planning is necessary. 

Get help from professionals

In most cases, the couple tries to abort the child.

However, abortion is illegal in some places, and therefore you must always abide by the law of your country.If you and your partner are confused about the pregnancy, you can always seek guidance and help from professional experts in family counseling and planning.

They will tell you what will be best for you both depending on the circumstances. 

Make the most of it

If you decide to conceive the child, then the financial responsibilities and nurturing responsibilities must be shared appropriately between the two of you. Proper care and love should be given to the lady during the pregnancy period.

If you guys plan to keep the baby, then enjoy the moment and have fun. This moment is precious, and the first-time experience of being pregnant is always special for the new parents. The best thing to do is always to speak to your partner.

After all, he deserves to know as well that you are pregnant. Together, you will be able to decide what you can do best. 

Kinky Ideas for Impregnation Fetishists

Impregnation fetish can bring in a lot of sexy, funny and interesting ideas which can make your sex life that much better. Making sex on a hospital bed especially in the delivery ward can be quite a kinky thing to do for such couples.

If you are scared of doing such nasty things you can even buy a regular hospital bed or create such settings in your bedroom itself to get real kinky pleasures while having sex.

Engaging in role play sex can be quite interesting for the couples ridden with impregnation fetish. 

nurse porn

Here are two impregnation fetish ideas that you and your partner can try. These are fun and will enhance the whole mood and feel of this fetish experience. Try them out. 

Hospital Roleplay

The patient and the hot doctor The female can become the patient, and the partner will be the hot doctor. You went for a health check-up, but you can't control your urge to seducing your hot doctor. Looking at how sexy you are, the doctor ends up having this fascinating sex.

This idea always works best because people often fantasize about this scenario in real life. Also, the female can play the doctor and tell nasty things his dick can do and that it can make any woman pregnant can make the sex session a lot rough and enjoyable afterwards.

The idea behind impregnation fetish is not to get pregnant but risk it to the limit that pregnancy seems to be the only outcome.Such couples should go through the risk by having sex during the menstrual cycle if it is not so painful for the women and she can take contraceptives later to avoid pregnancy.

Increasing the risk quotient can make things quite sexy for both the partners and they can take their sex life to another level.


Let the female be the dominating partnerRather than your partner telling you to go for it, you can do the role reversal, and be the dominant partner in your relationship for once. Plan for it, and talk to your partner about this fantasy, though. Hear his thoughts too, and then go for it. 

Final Thoughts - The Verdict

These were some of the precautions and ideas that the couples who have impregnation fetish should follow. Impregnation fetish is a kinky thing only if you and your partner do not cross the limits and play it as safe as possible.

If you have more kinky ideas about impregnation fetish, please share it with us, and we will be pleased to investigate more into it. Also, please let us know your feedback and thoughts through the comments section. Enjoy your fetishes to the core and give steamy happy endings to your partner!

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