Complete Guide on Why Am I So Horny

Every person is different and so are their sexual desires.

There are some people, men and women both, who always feel horny! If you are one of those who become horny most of the time and wonder the reason for it, then this article is just for you.

Being horny does not mean you have something unnatural.

 It’s quite natural that your body responds to someone’s touch or may arouse you giving you a sensual feeling.

wet pussy

During puberty, our body goes through many changes and this is where our hormonal glands start secreting sex hormones at full scale which causes us our sexual urge to increase manifolds. There are some common symptoms that manifest when you become horny, these are:

Symptoms of Being Horny - How do I know if I am in the Mood for Sex?

One surefire symptom of being horny is that you are not able to stop thinking about sex or you want to watch porn quite frequently. If this goes on for several years, it suggests that you happen to be hornier than others, which is not a bad thing after all!

When you become horny, you will always think about sex. During this time, you will always want to watch porn and you get a constant urge where you just need to have sex with others. And if you feel it persists over the months or years, then you are one of the hornier people.

In case you are horny, it suggests that you are sexually awake and it will be difficult to sleep for you. The reason for this is that you are still alert and your mind is full of sexual thoughts and fantasies. It is known as sexual frustration and the only way to get rid of this tension will be to release it.

Signs that a Girl is Horny

You are horny means you need sex which is natural. And it means your body is functioning sexually well, that’s good news. If you can’t fulfil your inner sexual desires, you’d be unable to sleep properly because in your mind you will always keep thinking about it.

Report shows, if you are sexually frustrated, then your body develops some heaviness which stresses you out.

It will make you more irritated and you become frustrated quite soon. Sex is important in our life; if we can’t have sex properly, we happen to get depressed and we just can’t remove that depression. Hence, if not for frequent sex, occasional sex will also be helpful.

ou all know what happens when a boy or a girl is aroused. In case your genitals are feeling tingly, it means that you are actually turned on. When you are in a mood, your blood circulation will increase and your nipple becomes sensitive.

During this time if your partner will suck your nipple, you will instantaneously achieve the best of your moods.

Hormone is Another Factor

Yes, the hormone plays an important role in making you hornier. When you practice abstinence or when you can’t get regular sex, the sex hormones keep on increasing in your blood, thereby, making you feel hornier and irritated.

In the case of girls, during periods or pregnancy, they become lustful, as they cannot get regular sex.

There are some foods available which are known as aphrodisiacs such as broccoli, bananas, avocado, mangoes, almonds, watermelon, etc. If you consume them, they will stimulate your sexual desire. However, it also depends on the preferences of the human being in question.

Chemicals Also Create Effects

Consumption of alcohol and drugs might give you momentary relaxation but it will make you feel hornier by lowering down your inhibitions thus promoting sexual desire. Therefore in case you are looking for different ways to control it, you must reduce their consumption.

New Relationship Happens to Play an Important Role

When everything is new, people tend to get more involved, their core interest persists on that! A report shows couples who are in a new relationship become a lot more involved and feel horny than usual. 

You often may feel the need of having sex all day and night because your energy level gets banged at the peak during this time. After a new relationship or new marriage, people often feel it that they want to have sex whole day.

People who are always horny think that they may be suffering from sexual disorders. But don't panic with your inner desires.

Do you want to control your horniness?

Do you want to control your sexual desires? Well, being horny is natural and you don't need any treatment for this. But still, if you need to control your sexual desires, then you can follow some simple steps:

  • Do daily exercises – You have to do daily exercise to control your sexual desires. You can do any kind of physical exercise which converts your sexual energy to any other type of energy easily.
  • Follow diet – You need to follow a proper diet. You need to cut down on alcoholic food and sugar-related products. It’s always better to avoid junk food; they are bad for your health.
  • Do meditation – Meditation is a great way to control everything you need excessively. It makes your mind to cool down and achieve patience. Do meditation every day for 10 minutes minimum and you will get some effective results! You can take inspiration from various pages on social media and also some of the YouTube videos.
  • Do regular sex – Regular sex will remove all the additional sexual energy from your body and make your body fit and strong.
  • Masturbate is important – If you are maintaining a long term distance and you feel horny all the time, then masturbating is very important. It helps to release sexual power from within and will make you happy. After a certain time, you will feel happy. This is another way to control your sexual desires. If you do it weekly 1-2 times at least, it will surely provide you with a certain amount of relief.

So, if you are horny or always thinking about having sex, don't think you have some problem. It is normal to do so!

A normal person always needs to fulfil their inner desires and if they are not able to complete it, they become frustrated. If you are one of them and looking for the solutions, then use the above-stated points and you will be able to control your inner desires.

Once you control your inner desire, you can focus on your work and have unlimited fun. Always eat healthy food, do masturbate or have sex daily and it will remove any signs of tension. 

mutual masturbation

Sex is an integral part of our life. Like we eat every day because our body requires that sex is also the same. Be it a boy or girl; sex is important for both of them. We all are well known with the term 'horny.' Many times, you have heard a girl say, "I am feeling so horny right now."

o, what exactly she meant. In simple words, we can say when a person is sexually aroused, that means she is horny.  his certainly means they want to have sex with someone. Many girls who are single or their partners do not stay with them; they tend to use sex toys to meet their thirst.

When someone says that they feel horny, that means they want to engage themselves with you sexually. Plenty of times, you have noticed that unconsciously you are humping your pillow several times in a day. You may think what's going on with you.

Is it normal, or you are behaving abnormally? Trust me, my friend. This "horny" feeling is quite common in every girl. We can understand your situation. But do not panic. It is not only you. Unlike you, several girls also feel the same when they see a banana or two dogs are humping.

As a result, you cannot focus on things and your performance dropdown.

Why do I feel horny all the time?

Many people think that feeling horny all the time is bad. It is not acceptable all the time.

Especially when they see other people are less horny, they feel guilty. You haven't committed any crime so you must not feel bad about it. It is just a physical demand of your body, nothing else.

First of all, stop comparing with others because everyone's body requirement is not the same. So if you are comparing, you are doing the wrong thing. 

Female Orgasm

Some women have a higher sex drive while some have lower. In our childhood science, the teacher taught us that male have a higher libido than women. But this is not always true. Many women tend to have a libido similar to that of a man, and they are comfortable with it.

If you too feel like that you have come to the right place. Here we are going to discuss all those reasons that you feel horny.

Reasons when you start to feel horny

It is not necessary that every time there will be a reason for being horny. You can feel without any reason also  because of your sex drive. It is higher in comparison to others. It is known as hypersexuality. It can occur at that time also when you hold your boyfriend's hand.

Now let's see what the other reasons are.

When you are into a new relationship

When you are into a new relationship, many things come to mind. We all know that the starting phase is known as the honeymoon period. We all know that a honeymoon period can be extremely romantic for both the partners.

Many folks have enhanced sexual desires and have horny thoughts very often once they get involved in a romantic or sexual relationship for the first time.

This is partly because of a particular love molecule referred to as PEA or neurotransmitter phenylethylamine that functions along with dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for making love feel addictive just like a drug.

While this is called limerence by some individuals, the others call it “new relationship energy” which is perfectly normal.


Stress is like an unwanted guest. Even though stress has the ability to ruin the mood of any woman, there are several ladies who become hornier while they are depressed or stressed out.

However, take care not to engage yourself in any sort of risky sexual behaviour while you happen to be depressed. According to one theory, short-term relief to anxiety is provided by compulsive sexual behaviour.

Engaging sexually with your partner gives you relief from the stress, and you feel lighter.


In case you happen to be an adolescent experiencing puberty, it is natural for you to get horny from time to time. The hormone levels become too high, and it might take several years for this condition to become normal. There can also be negative side effects like acne and moodiness.

During puberty, we all become capable of reproduction and we start thinking that we are quite horny during our lives for the first time.


Do you know pregnancy is also a reason to feel horny?

Yes, many pregnant women are surprised by the amount of horniness they experience during the pregnancy period. It might appear to be surprising for some females and their partners that pregnancy is linked with all types of sexual desires out there.

Because their hormones observe a gradual change during this time. But it can be dangerous when your due date is near. In the first three months, doctors won't allow getting entangled with your partner and the last few days.

Although there can be side effects when the due date tends closer, it will not be surprising if the sex drive increases at least for the short term at the time of pregnancy. Make it a point to enjoy your enhanced libido while your body experiences change.

Menstrual cycle

During your menstrual cycle, your hormone changes, and many people want to sex during this time. It is not uncommon. It is a very common thing. You will feel extremely horny during this time. A number of hormones change during this time.

Those are progestogen, androgen, and estrogen. Researcher says that women like to involve in sex just before the ovulation.

Ladies Answer Sexual Arousal Questions that Guys are Afraid to Ask


A healthy life requires a healthy sex life. A lower sex drive is a sign of depression. People who have less libido they are suffering from anxiety, stress, and exhaustion as well. For anxiety and depression, people take drugs, and you will feel the difference within a few days.

Sexual function is known to correspond with the overall health of a person, and therefore, in case you are trying to become healthier you might feel hornier in the long run.. Depression has certain side effects and low libido is certainly one of them.

Individuals suffering from high stress or exhaustion might also suffer from this condition. Compulsive sexual behaviour might be addictive and therefore, you will find a high correlation between this behaviour and other types of addictive behaviours which consist of substance abuse as well.

It is quite tough to differentiate the reason from correlation. This might be because of the likelihood of the brain to become addicted.

Nevertheless, drugs such as alcohol will be able to get rid of obstacles to having sex and drugs including heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine can enhance sexual behaviour eventually. The person can have risky and unprotected sex in the long run.

Ritalin misuse can also result in the same condition as well.

Medication and Medicines

Any alteration in medication can likewise make you feel hornier more frequently. For this reason, you might stop taking medications that might be ruining your sex life (such as antidepressants) and you are finding it tough to become aroused physically.

Blood pressure medicine, as well as antihistamines, are included by the culprits as well. Some medicine helps to increase your libido.

Nevertheless, new medicines can have side effects of enhanced sex drive and your libido can also come back to its normal condition in case it was stunted by any previous ailment. At times, medicines treating brain disorders like Trazodone, aripiprazole, or Wellbutrin can have this type of effect.

It is a fact that a lot of antidepressants do interfere with arousal as well as sexual desire, and therefore, these can be the alternative solutions for treating those conditions without ruining your sex life whatsoever

Brain Injury

Drugs and medications might make you feel horny at all times since it is the way they can affect your brain.

In the same manner, sexual issues can be manifested by traumatic brain injuries. Although sex drive can be lowered, there can be an enhancement of sexual statements as well as inappropriate touching too. The symptoms are similar to that of dementia in certain cases.  


Lastly, we like to mention that you might be struggling with an out-of-control libido and would like to know how to stop getting horny because of some previous trauma. PTSD can result in hypersexuality.

While PTSD is often associated with the folks serving in the army, this condition might happen following repeated or prolonged trauma which might include childhood abuse as well. PTSD can likewise be experienced by sexual assault victims too.

How can you stop your thoughts right out?

If you feel horny continuously, it is perfectly alright, but still, you control your feelings then consult with the professionals. They might help you to take control of your desire and thoughts. Doctors can ask you to do exercise so that you would burn off your energy by doing exercise.

You can participate in running tournaments, weightlifting exercises. It will release your stress also and burn extra calories. Be prepared for those specific times when you feel horny. Like during your menstrual cycle. You might be feeling yourself wondering from time to time why you are feeling so horny.

There is no reason to worry since you are not the only person suffering from such problems out there. In case you really feel horny and want to find out the main reason behind your sexual desires and how to control them, then continue reading.

You must know that masturbating or having sex are not always the ideal options to get rid of your sexual desires successfully.

Being Horny is a Natural Response of the Body

During puberty, we first start feeling horny which is actually the natural reaction of the body in the response to the increased secretion of sex hormones in the body.

In fact, everybody has these types of sexual urges and some people experience more urges as compared to the others. Apart from that, sex likewise feels great in the long run!

It is identical to the feeling of enjoying scrumptious food in a restaurant.

It hardly matters how full you feel inside, you would still want to eat that extra layer of ice cream even though you might need to loosen your trousers a bit.

How to stop becoming horny?

Fortunately, you will come across several things that can help you to stop being horny and also get rid of the sexual tension developing inside you. You can always  mix different solutions to get the desired result.


It will be possible for you to get rid of your sexual thoughts and divert it to something else by performing physical activities on a regular basis. Regular exercising will allow you to release any anxiety that has built up and you will be feeling less horny in no time at all.

Alter your diet

Make it a point to stay away from aphrodisiac foods, and likewise reduce the consumption of chocolate, alcoholic beverages, animal products, sugary food items, as well as processed foods.

Basically, refrain from eating junk food items as it would harm you more than it can ever benefit you in the long run.

Perform meditation

According to Buddhism, it is possible to control our sexual desires as well as thoughts by controlling our minds, and meditation will aid you in strengthening this art. Sit down in some tranquil location for at least 10 minutes and try to concentrate on your breathing by closing your eyes.

Have sex regularly

Although it is already implied, still we like to mention that having sex with your mate on a regular basis will help in releasing the sexual energy that might build up.


Again you might think that it is obvious.

Although the majority of the folks use masturbation to get relief quickly, you can also use it to your advantage in one more way. Try to concentrate on spreading your sexual energy visually throughout your system rather than turning it inwards, and try to try to have an orgasm internally.

This will help you to feel a lot better afterwards instead of getting frustrated.

Focus on your passions

Your energy can also be channelled into other things regarding which you seem to be passionate about. Become innovative, perform anything which makes you excited as well as motivated out there.

Perform Dancing and Yoga

Yoga, as well as dancing, will be fantastic ways to get rid of your sexual desire and it acts almost in the same manner as the exercise does. Inverted yoga positions will aid in spreading the sexual energy and will create flow within your system.

Get a Massage

It might be the fact that you are suffering from the accumulation of sexual energy within your system which has been stuck since you have become tense somewhere. This tension can be released with the help of a deep tissue massage.

It can be beneficial to massage your sacrum and lower back, even though many people might think it to be some sort of erotic massage out there.


Let us hope that you have known the reasons behind why you are becoming horny quite often after going through this article. Also, you must have learned few guidelines on how to prevent this condition in the future.

Bear in mind that the primary solutions will be to alter your diet if needed, and also exercise on a regular basis.

Following this, you might include some of the other solutions mentioned above including yoga, meditation, and/or massage. In case you like to enrich your knowledge on this topic, feel free to go online and look at the relevant articles and videos out there; the majority of them are available for free.

If you are reading this article, that means you feel horny most of the time. The general reason is everyone's physique is different, and so are their expectations. You cannot compare your physical desire with others. It is perfectly okay to do sex with your partner, or masturbate to curb this feeling.

Health and happiness is something which must not be compromised with.

Final Words

We would like to thank you for taking out a crucial time from your schedule to read this article. The article has been prepared only after a precarious brainstorming session and research work. We certainly hope that this article has helped you.

In case, if you have any queries or suggestions, you can reach out to us and we will surely help you. We will be back again with some interesting read and till then, take care!

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