Juicy Ads Review – How I Make $1000 per Month (2023)

juicyads review

When i say Juicyads is the best adult advertising platform then i am not just making a random statement but rather a judgement that is based upon two years of research. Today i will do a juicyads review for all the people who still have doubts over which is the best adult advertising platform.

One of the major component of my revenue comes from Juicyads.

When my adult tube website started getting traffic the natural choice for me was to search for advertising platforms that allow adult content. I started with exoclick, eroadvertising, plugrush and many others. But only after six months of struggle and only few dollars of earnings i finally found the one network that will become my major source of income for upcoming years. Yes, you guessed it correct it was juicyads.

What differentiates juicyads from others?

There are a couple of things that makes the difference.

1) With all other adult ad networks i found the CPC (cost per click) to be more or less same as well as very low for all the ad-types. One thing to notice here is that the Selection of type of ads to choose is very important with juicyads. Some ads will pay you much more than other. What i mean by that is that the CPC  will be much higher for some ads compared with the others. I have curated the list of the best ads that you should include in your website to get maximum earnings.

  •          Floating Ads (a must)
  •          Small horizontal banner below the video
  •         Large horizontal banner in the header section of the website
  •         One square banner at the right widget on the right side of the video

2) This is by far the best feature of juicyads and that is the Juicyads marketplace. Here each of your ad is available for sale and any advertiser if interested can directly buy your ad from the marketplace and you will earn much more than your regular earnings. This particular feature has made me thousands of dollars.

Juicyads Payment Proof

Here is a screenshot of the money i requested through wire transfer. I requested $3480.79 which after converting into the currency of my country became 207,663.93

Juicyads Payment Proof

Sign-up, Approval, Requirements and Restrictions:

Signing up is very easy and very fast. All you have to do is go to this link Juicyad signup and fill in your details (it will not ask for the website at the time of registration) and verify your email. After verifying your email you can then add your website and verify it by copying a small code in the header of your website and you will then be eligible to use juicyads on your website. (if you face any difficulty during signup or any other related query, please use the comments section below, i will be happy to help)

Go and signup now to juicyds : Juicyads signup

Click on the image to go to signup page:

Juicyads signup

Juicyads popunder review

Let me get striaght to the point. Avoid juicyads popunders. The reason i am saying this is because when it comes to popunders, juicyads is just not upto the mark. Alternatives such as Popads and Popcash are way ahead in this particular ad type.

I have personally tried juicyads popads and wasted a lot of money when compared to if i would have joined popads and popcash sooner. The CPM rate as well as the number of impression provided by juicyads are much lower compared with popads and popcash

To give you a reference, of my overall income from tube websites, close to 65% income comes from Popunders. Yes, you read it correctly. I know 65% is huge but beleive me choosing the Right Popunder network is very important to maximize your earnings. This is the reason why i always recommend popunder networks that i personally use : POPADS and POPCASH

Juicyads Mobile redirect review

I have been in adult content making money business for almost four years now and i can assure you that you should completely avoid Mobile redirect ad type in your website. The reason being why send your precious hard earned visitors to some other website when those valuable visitors can be channelized to give you much more ROI (Return on Investment) when they visit your own website.

Firstly there are chances that the visitor might get irritated by going to some other website, so there is a high probability of loosing a repeat visitor.

Secondly you never know, that one particular visitor might end up buying a affiliate product or joining a cam sight that you are promoting and thereby earning you much more than what you were earning through mobile-redirects

Thirdly and most importantly, google has started penalizing websites with mobile redirects, so if you are ready to lose only SEO advantage then its your call in the end

Juicyads Payout (as of 3rd May 2015)

Juicyads Paxum account Payment requirements:juicyads Paxum payment requirements

Juicyads Paypal account Payment requirements:juicyads Paypal payment requirements

Juicyads Cheque Payment requirements: juicyads cheque payment requirements

Juicyads Payza account Payment requirements: juicyads Payza payment requirements

Juicyads Wire Tranfer Payment requirements: juicyads wire bank payment requirements

What are the pros of using Juicyads:

1) High CPC ad types

2) The juicyads marketplace to buy sell ads (their best feature yet)

3) Excellent live customer support

So what are you waiting for. Don’t be that guy who just loves to gather all the information but never takes the action. Go and signup now to juicyds : Juicyads signup

juicyads signup                                                       Click on the image to go to signup page


7 thoughts on “Juicy Ads Review – How I Make $1000 per Month (2023)”

  1. Thank You for the information. Very nice article. Am just headed towards the adult content website and will surely try out the juicyads.

  2. Can you add “the list of the best ads that you should include in your website to get maximum earnings.”? I think you have forgotten about it because of this line: “(add pics and list of all high paying ads)”

  3. hello sir,
    my name is s.abdulrazak from india
    your work was super.
    i have system,internet,i am searching earn money with out investment in google.then i got u r website.
    i am also working in adult sites like posting video links,stories in blogspot.com sites.lots of times google disable my blogs.but i didn’t getting any money .because i am not using juicy ads.i am using only linkbucks.com
    can u please tell me or post stepbystep details with screen shots on the topic juciyads.com and others also.
    1) for how to signup in different websites
    2) how to post ads on our sites
    3) some tricks to earn money
    4) your cell no
    am waiting for u r reply
    thanks and regards


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