How to block Porn on iPhone

We understand that some parents might want to block porn on their iPhones. It sounds like a severe step sometimes but we can understand that it is for the best of your children.

 If you have been meaning to block porn on your iPhone but do not know how to do it, we are here to help. 

Also read: how to block porn, download porn videos from internet

How to block porn on an iPhone?

Follow these simple steps to block porn on your iPhone:

  1. Firstly, you need to visit the Settings on your iPhone. Open your phone’s general menu and tap on the gear icon. Under the Settings column and head to “General”. This will open your phone’s general settings.
  2. Under the various options in the general settings column, tap on Restrictions. Now, tap on the “Enable Restrictions” option from the given menu. You will now get an option to enter a 4-digit pin. This pin will be your passcode for setting up the restrictions on your phone. Setting up the pin is an important step since it ensures only you can set up these restrictions.
  3. Now scroll down in the Restriction Settings columns and tap on “Websites” under the Allowed Screen section. This will let you choose the type of websites you want to allow access to your iPhone. 
  4. Under the “Websites” option, tap on “Limit Adult Content” and you are done. These simple steps will block the porn sites or any other website showing adult content on your phone. 
  5. You can also block specific websites on your iPhone. To block particular porn sites on your iPhone, simply scroll down on the Website Settings page and tap on “Add a Website” under the “Never Allow Section”.

What does porn mean?

Porn is a commonly used word and almost all of us have heard it somewhere or the other. A lot of people, however, are unaware of what porn is.

People often only include videos or movies in association with the term but porn is much more than that. Porn includes but is not limited to sexually explicit content. This sexually explicit content is not only limited to videos but any form of commodity. 

Porn basically refers to sexually explicit content that encourages or is aimed at arousing sexual desires among its audience. Its idea is to promote sexual urges and sexual activities.

Porn doesn’t only come in the form of movies or videos. It also includes magazines, books, newspapers, movies, and even games. Any form of communication which includes explicit, uncensored sexual content can be called porn.

Porn videos have uncensored videos of people having sexual intercourse. These videos can be long or short and can be romantic as well as aggressive. It could be recorded by a real couple as well as professionally by experts. 

The porn industry is worth millions today. Some porn stars even earn way more than many famous Hollywood celebrities and have a huge fan following. The Porn industry consists of real movie sets where actors shoot porn-movie scenes and are paid handsomely for them.

Where is it available?

In this technologically up-to-date world, anything and everything is available with the click of a button. Naturally, so is porn.

Unlike earlier times, when porn was only available on CDS and DVDs and then on pen drives, in today’s time, all you need is a phone and an internet connection. 

Porn is easily available online. Tons of websites exclusively upload pornographic content. Some popular porn websites are PornHub, xHamster, LostTube, RedPorn, etc. These websites are pornographic and upload nothing but porn.

Apart from these websites, porn is also available as games, in the form of magazines, movies, etc. There are countless mediums of watching porn and most of them are free.

Even though magazines and movies charge prices, their copies are easily available on the internet for free. Some porn sites also have premium subscriptions but even then, they upload enough free content for people who watch porn to be satisfied. 

Though less popular, it is also still available to get porn on tapes as well.

Here are some common places you can easily get porn from:

People who have never watched porn on their own or are not so into it are often perplexed as to where porn watchers find the content. The answer is rather easy and ordinary but the watchers find it surprising. In case you are unaware of the places one can get porn from, read on.

  1. Porn sites-

These are the most popular ways of watching porn. Numerous porn sites on the internet barely require any fees or identification for using their platform.

They do show a warning saying the content on their website is for people above 18 years of age, everyone knows nobody actually follows that.

Porn sites are the most common medium for watching porn because they are easily available. A simple Google search will lead you to innumerable porn sites. Most of them are free and have millions of options to choose from. 

Porn sites have something for everybody. Right from sensuous sex to hard-core bondage, to BDSM, porn sites have everything.

They even have their content bifurcated based on sexual positions as well. Right from missionary to cowgirl, from sideways to doggie-style, from on-the-table to against-the-wall, no matter what you are fond of, porn sites have something for everyone. 

  1. Games- 

There are gamers, there are porn addicts, and then there are both. Porn games are the most appropriate fit for the people who fall in the “both” category. Porn games are similar to ordinary games in some sense while different from them in another. 

The similarity is that like normal games, porn games also require a player, like ordinary games, porn games also have a mission, and like ordinary games, porn games also have animated AI characters.

But the difference between the two is that, unlike ordinary games, porn games revolve around sex. 

The ordinary games include a lot of genres, right from Barbie games to car racing, dress-up games to wars and clashes, and right from adventure to mystery games. However, porn games mainly revolve around sex. Their premise is more or less sexual intercourse. 

Porn games are just as easily available as ordinary games these days. These can be downloaded from the internet for free, whereas from a price as well. Today, several porn games are available where explicit sexual content is shown in some way or the other. In such games, the missions are usually related to sex. 

  1. Audio visual novels- 

Audio visual novels are a relatively new addition to the porn platform. Audio visual novels are text-to-speech-based games that consist of animated AI characters. Audio visual novels are a great place if you are looking for porn but are bored with watching movies. 

Audio visual novels interest the users because, unlike movies or videos, audio visual novels actually require user participation. In an audio visual novel, the users have a choice of creating the characters of their choice. As a result, the users get an opportunity to exercise their fetishes and desires in a creative way.

Not only are they able to create characters of their choice but are also able to have their way with them in any manner possible. 

In an audio visual novel, the characters are usually women, and the users are men. Here they can create the character based on their fantasies, be they skinny or thick, dusky or fair, flat-chested or busty. 

Apart from these features, a distinguishing feature of audio visual novels is the role-playing feature. Users can role-play a character and the game continues based on that. Some popular audio visual novels are AI Shoujo, Forest Fortress, etc.

What does porn addiction look like and why are people addicted to porn?

Porn addiction is real and a lot of people are strongly addicted to it. Porn addiction looks different from alcohol and nicotine addiction. While a lot of people watch porn, some watch it rarely, some regularly, and some are addicted to it. 

Porn addiction is a thing and even though it doesn’t sound serious, it can be so. Porn addiction basically refers to a person’s constant urge to watch pornographic content.

This addiction may or may not be limited to videos and films. Such people find it difficult to spend a day without watching porn, sometimes even hours. 

Such people can go out of their way to watch porn.

Sneaking a movie phone to school or classroom, watching porn even if they are idle for a few minutes, uncontrollable urge to watch porn even in prohibited places such as churches, temples, workplaces, etc. are a few examples.

Porn addiction can stem from various factors such as:

  • Puberty, welcoming adulthood-

As children reach puberty, they start experiencing mental as well as physical changes. Their minds and bodies undergo tremendous change and developing sexual urges are a part of it.

When children are about to welcome adulthood, they start feeling their bodies change and they experience emotions they have never had before.

As a result, they start exploring more. Watching porn and other sexual content satisfies these sexual urges to an extent, making children inclined toward watching porn.

  • Suppression of sexual urges in nearby surroundings- 

One of the biggest reasons behind children developing a porn addiction is the suppression of sexual urges they face in their surroundings.

Many parents avoid the sex talk with their children. Sex and topics related to sex are considered taboo around them. Children have a tendency to try what they are prohibited from.

As a result, they find themselves getting attracted to porn as it answers several questions that ideally the children’s parents should have had. Gradually, this attraction becomes an addiction. 

  • Intense sexual urges- 

Some people have more sexual needs than others. Since it is not possible for everyone to have sex every time they want to, porn becomes a dear friend in this journey.

 People watch porn regularly to satisfy their sexual needs by either enjoying it with a partner or masturbating to it. Gradually, this need becomes a habit and slowly, the habit becomes an addiction.

These are the most common reasons people get addicted to porn. Keeping these points in view and the safety of children in mind, several government bodies in various countries have formulated and implemented rules and regulations keeping in mind the children’s safety. Some of them are:

  • In various countries, it is illegal to have sexual relations with a child less than 18, in some cases even 16 years or younger even with their consent. This accounts for rape and is a punishable offense.
  • Many countries have mandated for porn sites to issue an age warning to each user that uses their platforms.
  • Several countries have such strict laws against pornographic content that porn is completely born in the entire country. Here, the punishment for creating, selling, distributing, or watching porn is a criminal offense and in severe cases can even lead to capital punishment or life imprisonment.

Children are innocent and during the initial years of puberty, may or may not be able to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. 

Porn addiction in children is plaguing society in a gruesome way. The number of children who are porn addicts is increasing day by day. Porn addiction creates a significant impact on children and their innocent minds. 

Dangers of porn addiction in children and adults

Porn addiction in children is a common problem in today’s time. Most parents are battling the issue and remain in constant fear of their children developing a porn addiction. Porn addiction can be dangerous for children. Here are some of the biggest risks of children becoming porn addicts or habituated to watching porn.

  1. Irritability and anger issues- irritability and anger issues are becoming increasingly common with time. Most children are becoming aggressive and violent. Porn addiction can make it worse. Children who are habituated to watching porn but can’t satisfy their own physical needs slowly become irritable. This problem isn’t limited to children. Adults can equally face this problem. Porn addiction is known to motivate the habit of getting angry about small things because this addiction leads to a slow build-up of sexual frustration.

  1. Motivation to go over and beyond the limits- while sex is a physical need, it has become a flex over time. Even though sex-related topics need de-stigmatization, porn has normalized the need for un-meaningful sex. Children want to have sex not because they have to but because everyone else around them is doing the same. Children can easily lose sight of the right path and severe porn addiction can aid in children becoming sexual harassers and even rapists. 

How to keep children away from porn?

Considering the drawbacks and dangers of porn addiction, it is natural for parents to want to keep their children away from porn. However, parents are usually confused about how to do this. 

Here are some things you can try to keep your children away from porn. 

  • Send them outside- kids of the new generation hardly play outdoors. They are mostly stuck with their electronic devices. Not only does this cause severe eye strain, but also leads to problems like obesity and other health problems like PCOD and so on. You need to motivate and push your children a little to play outdoors. Not only does this keep them from gaining unwanted weight but they also get abundant Vitamin D. 
  • Help them build a talent or habit- when children are engaged in something fruitful, there are fewer chances of them diverting their attention. This is why you need to make your kids try different things. Get them involved in sports or learn an instrument. Not only will this help them stay protected from porn addiction but also help them acquire new talent, alongside shaping their personality. Children who play sports or have extra talents apart from their studies are usually more outgoing and confident
  • Blocking porn- one of the easiest ways to stop your kids from watching porn is to block porn on your iPhone. Blocking porn on your iPhone ensures that your child has no access to porn on the iPhone. This way no matter how long they use your phone, you will be at ease knowing they could be doing anything but watch porn

Final Overview

These simple steps can easily block porn or any other adult content from your iPhone without any technical help. It can be easily done at home by any iPhone user.

Blocking porn from your iPhone using these steps will not only block search results from these websites but also won’t allow your device to surf these websites of any pornographic content for that matter. 

If your child frequently uses your iPhone alone, these simple steps can ensure he/she/they has no access to porn. Since you have set the PIN, it will be impossible to change the settings as well.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose a strong PIN that is not easily guessable.

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