How Much should I charge for tutoring?

Did you recently start your career either as a full-time or a part-time tutor? Do you feel a constant pressure about deciding stuff such as:

  • What subject do I need to choose?
  • How much should I charge the students? 
  • How do I make classes Digitally accessible to all?

Due to the rapid digitalization and change in the world order due to Covid, more people are looking for online tutors. 

The worldwide E-Learning market size has skyrocketed from 165.36 million USD to 243.80 million USD.

But here in this article, we will only be discussing how to calculate the best reasonable tuition fee, so that you stand out from the rest.

How Much Should I Charge for Tutoring Per HOUR ?

1. Average Tutoring Rates for your Area- If you are Online

The first and most important step that would serve your purpose is analyzing the current market rates for the subject you want to teach.

The study starts with visiting a tuition center or contacting an online local tutor in your area. 

The online education market value in India was expected to reach about 2 Billion USD in 2021. A total of 7.1 crore students across India prefer taking home tutoring as well as earning an extra income.

According to glassdoor, the estimated yearly salary of a tutor is INR 42,555 and an average yearly salary is INR 16,101. Also, there is a high income disparity among online tutors.

For example, an online tutor sitting in Mumbai charges INR 1500 per student per month, whereas, the same tutor sitting in a rural area might charge INR 200.

2. Your Level of Education

It is an obvious fact that the higher your education is, the more skilled you are, hence better pay.

As per the salary explorer in 2022, if you have a bachelor's degree in India, you can earn an average salary of INR 15,600 per month.

With a Master’s degree, you can earn up to INR 30,200 per month.

Also, if you are a degree holder from a prestigious university, you will be preferred over someone from a lesser-known college.

Better pay is directly proportional to the college you went to.

3. Your Experience

 Your work experience speaks for itself and the more experience you have, the better pay will follow. In case of zero to little experience, you will have to struggle initially to find a suitable job as well as good pay.

It becomes important to start your journey first. Someone with a technical degree might earn INR 200 per hour online.

As he gains experience and gradually becomes a master in his craft, they could earn up to INR 2000 per session.

For example, a leading online education services providing company in India named byjus asks for a minimum work experience of anywhere between 1 and 10 years for teaching their Science or Math students from grades 1 and 10.

4. The Subjects you Tutor

As a tutor, you need to be confident about your skills as well as the various subjects that you can offer.

The more subjects you choose to teach, the more effort and responsibilities are required from you, hence better pay becomes a necessity.

Mathematics, Science, and Commerce teachers are always in high demand as all these subjects demand high skills and a better work experience. Also, a foreign language teacher in India could earn as high as INR 24,658 per month

5. The Time Slot your Client Books

Certain time slots are extremely important to know if you want to be an online tutor.

During the pandemic, the most in-demand time slots were 10 AM and 2 to 5 PM, where maximum internet traffic was observed.

These time slots are important to cash in. You can release your videos online or connect with maximum students at this specified time.

Also, the weekends were popular for students pre-pandemic, and it is expected to be an even more popular time slot once the pandemic ends.

6. The Number and Regularity of Sessions being Offered

To become digitally visible, you would be required to spend more time being online. This could be done by releasing more meaningful videos online and by extending your teaching sessions.

 Also, you would need to build a loyal student group for a regular income.

For example, if a student or a group of students is interested to take more classes from you, then you can provide them with discounts.

For example, you can give a 10% discount if they are willing to take 20 classes from you.

7. The Number of Students you are tutoring at once and their ages

As a tutor, you must be confident about the number of students you can per session and their age groups.

You can earn INR 2000 by teaching a group of 5 students, whereas you can earn INR 4000 by teaching a group of 12 students.

Based on their ages and behavior, you can adjust the number of students in your sessions.

For example, students studying in the 5th grade might require more attention to detail in comparison to students studying in the 12th grade.

8. The Results you’ve brought in

It is advisable to increase your session rates once you find that the students are meeting the expected standards and are doing well in their exams.

This is the perfect time to increase the rates, as you have now achieved your goals as a tutor.

Online tutoring is a complete result-based business, so you must be able to maneuver well while asking for a raise.

 You, as a tutor must be able to calculate their performances by conducting different tests and by asking the students about their school results, and based on the results, ask for a valid raise.

9. Expenses you Incur

Teaching online requires a certain investment and continuous update of databases and software.

Therefore, while calculating your teaching rate, you can look into these factors as well and add them up.

For online tutoring, you would require high-speed internet which is not cheap, along with various hardware devices such as a laptop, printer, modem, etc. Their cost must be added up to your teaching rates

10. Other responsibilities, such as Caregiving

Sometimes, you might have to perform some duties that go beyond your teaching gig.

For example, if you have students who are a few kilometers away and you give them home tutoring and their parents might have to go outside for important work all the time, and the only one they could trust with their kids is you.

Then, they might consider providing you with some extra income, not only to teach your kids but also to look after them. The compensation would come in as a slight increase in hourly rates or compensation for food or travel.

How to find Tutoring Clients

There are plenty of ways to find tutoring clients. The first and traditional approach is to connect and register yourself with a local school and ensure them that you can meet the expectations that are required to teach particular subjects. 

The first idea might not prove as easy for everyone, therefore you can go with the modern approach, that is the online tutoring gig, where you can register yourself with leading online tutoring sites in India such as Byju’s, Vedantu, etc. using your degree and experience and decide your monthly salary and bonuses once you get selected.

Tips for negotiating your Tutoring Price

To succeed in any business or profession, you must master the art of negotiations. There will be times when the clients will not agree to negotiations, and that is the time you need to show the results to them.

Here are some of the tips that might help you in negotiating the price for tutoring gigs.

  • Price Yourself High

Always believe in your teaching skills and set a high rate in the initial stages itself. In that case, if someone negotiates the price with you, then you could still make a sufficient price out of it. In simple words, always rate yourself 5%-10% higher than your estimated rates.

  • Be Prepared to Walk Away

When you gain enough skill, and experience and deliver good results, then you need to be an uncompromising figure and turn down a few offers, if they do not match your expectations. Always remember that you are recognized only when you dare to walk away.

  • Don’t Argue

Always remember to be respectful while negotiating a deal, because, in the end, you need to work with the client as well. Therefore, arguing with them would make you look like an arrogant and immodest person who only thinks about his benefits.

So, the negotiations must be done with a calm and clear conscience.

When to Raise Your Rates?

Certain factors might help you in increasing your rates. Some of them include

  1. You need to adjust your expenses concerning the rising inflation.
  2. You have firm experience and command over the subjects you teach.
  3. The clients may ask why you price yourself so low in comparison to other tutors
  4. When you feel like you are being Overworked
  5. You are asked to conduct extra classes for the students, apart from regular classes.
  6. When the clients do not ask for a discount.


To conclude, we can confirm that deciding on your tutoring charges is not an easy step, especially when you are just starting as a tutor. But as you see off the initial stages of tutoring and become a skilled tutor, you will get enough exposure to negotiating your price.


  1. How do I price Myself as a Tutor?

  • Check for Average Tutoring Rates in your Area
  • Check your Education level
  • Use your Work Experience
  • The subjects you can offer
  • The number of students and sessions you can manage per day

  1. How much can you ask for tutoring?

According to superprof, the highest rate charged by a tutor in India is INR 2500 per hour and the lowest you can charge is INR 250 per hour.

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