5 Reasons Why You Need to Boost Up Your Sex Life

Sex means different things to many people; some men and women look at it as an extra activity, others find it enjoyable and relaxing or essential to their marriage.

Why do we have sex? Our bodies are designed to have sex to continue our species’ existence. Not only does sex feels amazing, but it affects the body inside out.

According to latest studies, couples that have sex regularly -once or twice a week- show incredible health and gain benefits that affect their wellbeing emotionally and physically.

There are many reasons to have sex more often, so here are five benefits you can consider to boost your sex life with your loved one:

5 Reasons Why You Need to Boost Up Your Sex Life

1. You'll have a successful relationship

It is a misconception that men like sex just for the act and not the emotions behind it. Studies show that men use sex as the language to express intimacy, love, and affection.

On the other hand, women like to talk and connect before having sex.

In the end, making love to your partner will increase your bond and will help you emotionally connect.

Did you know that sex directly contributes to divorce rates; couples who express their love through sex tend to stay together longer than couples who don’t show their love through any physical or sexual means. 

Successful Relationship

In long-term relationships, the frequency of sex may -if not often- change over time, but that doesn’t mean it will get worse. Having more sex makes it better, and it also improves your libido and vaginal lubrication in women.

You can always spice it up from time to time; try to check an adult store for sex toys you can both use to enjoy a thrilling sexual experience together. Exploring new options by bringing in sex toys to the bedroom might actually spark excitement in what might have been a routine activity.

Develops an emotional bond

  • Sex develops a strong emotional bond between the partners. As they come physically closer, they also start understanding each other better and their thought wavelengths also match to a great extent. 
  • This helps them to get emotionally closer which is the key to every successful relationship.

Improves communication 

  • It is strange but sex does help couples to improve their communicating skills.
  • For instance, on particular days, one of the partner might be highly stimulated for having sex whereas the other one might not feel like doing it. Now, for managing the situation, both the partners have to speak to each other and convey each other’s feelings.
  • The partner who has a higher libido might eventually manage to get the other in mood for sex but sometimes the partner who has a lower libido might also pacify the other by performing oral sex or by some other way.
  • Situations like these will help to bridge the communication gap between them and their relationship will foster by leaps and bounds.

Builds trust

  • The emotional and physical compatibility between two partners increases the trust level they have on each other. The care and passion you show while having sex transpires into a feeling of being desired and your partner will feel your love more.
  • Ultimately, when consenting partners start having passionate lovemaking sessions, they start trusting one another more than ever.

Saves a dying relationship

  • The relationship between two people also depends on the excitement and love they feel for one another. Sometimes, due to a long term relationship, the excitement may wane away and the love might also dry up eventually.
  • In such cases, having a steamy sex session will definitely kindle the fire of love and the partners will surely feel more excited about their bonding or relationship. Thus, good sex can save a dying relationship as well.
  • Also, it has been often observed that couples who are not happy with their sex lives often end up filing for a divorce. Therefore, for keeping a relationship on the right track one has to power it with the fuel of sex.

2. You’ll Develop A Better Lifestyle

Sex can also benefit you and your partner individually; there are different chemicals our bodies produce during and after sex that will help in fundamental lifestyle routines.

During sex, the exercise you perform burns 5 calories in a minute, and releases endorphins which is known as the “feel good” chemicals.

They reduce stress, regulates your mood, and reduces specific pain such as migraines, and back and leg aches.

While stimulating women’s nipples, the oxytocin hormone is released, which is also known as the “hug drug.” 

Better Lifestyle

It is the same hormone released while breastfeeding; which creates a sense of pleasure and calmness. Finally, orgasms release a prolactin hormone which helps in sleeping better.

So, you will end up with better fitness, a calmer mood, and better sleeping patterns when you have regular sex. Then hunger will strike eventually, so make better choices while eating for your well-being and sexual performance.

Boosts confidence 

  • You feel happy after a stimulating lovemaking session and it brightens up your mood as well. Many researchers believe that sex improves our self confidence as it has a good influence on our self esteem.
  • This in turn entices us to work more vigorously to achieve our life’s goals which eventually has a positive impact on our lifestyle.

Keeps you active

  • As discussed earlier, sex helps you to relax and sleep better at night. It not only boosts your immunity but keeps you active throughout the day.
  • As a result, you feel more fresh and tend to indulge in different activities like exercise, sports, long walks, etc. All these small things have a big and positive influence on your lifestyle.

Makes you fit

  • Sex also helps you burn your calories. Therefore, you get fitter after every pleasurable bout of kinky sex.

Promotes wellness

  • Apart from burning calories, sex also boosts the production of endorphins that promote a feeling of goodness and happiness. The endorphins improve your mood and reduce stress from your leg, back, and other body parts.

How to Have Better Sex: Sex-Ed for Everyone

3. You’ll Improve Your Health

People with high sexual activity get sick less; their body releases high levels of antibodies called immunoglobulin A, or IgA, which build a healthy immune system against germs and viruses.

Besides that, their testosterone and estrogen levels are always balanced.

It is considered that sexual activity helps dilate blood vessels, increasing the oxygen and nutrients to the cell and reduce blood pressure.

A study in 2018, experimenting on 6,000 adults, found that frequent sex was associated with better cognitive memory in older people at the age of 50 years and older.

Improve Health

Great sex is a good workout that strengthens women’s bones and pelvic floor muscles. Those muscles control orgasm and strengthens the flow of urine, which helps in avoiding incontinence-which hits about 30% of women every year, especially as they age.

Sex even helps soothe period cramps; so while orgasming, those muscles contracting down there are releases tension from your uterus muscles simultaneously.

Frequent sex for men helps with the sperm quality and fertility which increases pregnancy chances for women. It also drastically increases testosterone levels. Additionally, studies show that men who ejaculate frequently have fewer chances to get prostate cancer.

Boosts Immunity

  • People with high sexual activity get sick less; their body releases high levels of antibodies called immunoglobulin A, or IgA, which build a healthy immune system against germs and viruses.

Helps You sleep better

  • Testosterone and estrogen levels are always balanced. It is considered that sexual activity helps dilate blood vessels, increasing the oxygen and nutrients to the cell and reduce blood pressure, which help you sleep and relax better.

improves overall fitness

  • Great sex is a good workout that strengthens women’s bones and pelvic floor muscles. Those muscles control orgasm and strengthens the flow of urine, which helps in avoiding incontinence-which hits about 30% of women every year, especially as they age. Sex even helps soothe period cramps; so while orgasming, those muscles contracting down there are releases tension from your uterus muscles simultaneously.

Boosts fertility

  • Frequent sex for men helps with the sperm quality and fertility which increases pregnancy chances for women. It also drastically increases testosterone levels. Additionally, studies show that men who ejaculate frequently have fewer chances to get prostate cancer.

4. You’ll Get The Healthy Glow

Has it ever happened when someone sees you and comments on how you look different today and all what you can remember is that you had only sex today?

Well, it is true, after great sex, women and, men may experience a post-sex glow that can last for 48 hours.

This glow is the outcome of all hormones induced in your body, as mentioned before. Endorphins won’t only make you feel happy; it has an anti-inflammatory effect on your complexion.

Better than that, when estrogen levels in women increase, it enriches skin elasticity and collagen that will show your wrinkles less. 

Healthy Glow

This glow will be accompanied with blushed cheeks-“sex blush”- which is a sign of increased blood circulation in your body.

Post-sex glow, says a lot about your relationship; it’s not just about how frequent you have sex, but the quality and emotions conveyed. Studies have shown that couples who experience the afterglow are most likely to have a satisfying long-term relationship.

Improves complexion

  • Sex makes the blood circulation better and regulates the level of hormones. This improves your complexion and you look more fresh and active.
  • Scientists have also accepted the fact that the energy released during intercourse controls the development of acne as well.

Provide a healthy glow

  • The improved blood circulation also ensures sufficient supply of oxygen to your skin cells. As we all know, oxygen is responsible for promoting a healthy glow on face and skin.

Fights skin aging

  • Sex reduces the level of cortisol which is also infamously known as the stress hormone. The reduction in cortisol boosts collagen production which is the protein that makes our skin smooth and elastic.
  • Collagen also keeps our skin firm and improved elasticity curbs the formation of wrinkles and scars. As a result, the youthfulness of your skin is maintained and sex actually helps you to fight skin aging.

Long lasting skin benefits

  • Doctors also believe that longer and passionate lovemaking bouts will keep your skin brighter and healthier for a long time.

Who Initiates Sex and Why It Matters So Much

5. You’ll Improve Your Mental Health

Sexually active women and men are less likely to get into depression.

When serotonin, which is the body’s natural antidepressant, levels rise after sex, most couples will smile, feel satisfied, and have high self-esteem.

Self-esteem is the building blocks of self-confidence; both sexes will feel sexually powerful; thus, they will feel good and love themselves more.

Some people may even feel sexier and increase their attractiveness to others.

Sex will make you happy overall, so start your day with some morning passion; the boost in your mood can last for the whole day and can ease throughout the day tensions between couples.

Mental Health

After extensive research done by a clinical neuropsychologist, they’ve found out that men and women who are sexually active with a regular partner for years looked seven years younger than their real age.

Nevertheless, it’s not about having sex every day but about love and passion. Many long-term couples tend to have sex less; there are a variety of reasons, as mentioned above, as to why you should boost your sex life. It will definitely bring you closer and bring joy to your relationship.

Reduces stress

  • When you get physically intimate with your partner, your body releases more oxytocin which is also known as the cuddle hormone. It instills a feeling of compassion and makes one feel happier.
  • This physical intimacy also results in improved endorphin production that helps us to fight stress as well.

Keeps you motivated

  • When you have sex, your body releases a chemcial called dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for improving your focus and also helps you to stay motivated.

Handles issues like depression

  • Lack of physical intimacy and lower sex libido might result in restless and sleepless nights. This in turn will give birth to several other issues like mood swings, depression, headache, and reduced immunity level.
  • As we know that sex improves sleep patterns, it eventually helps us to deal with these issues and we become mentally and emotionally stronger.

Improves brain activity

  • Many researchers and scientists have proved that an orgasm improves brain activity. Sex improves blood flow which is responsible for carrying oxygen and other vital nutrients to our brain cells as well.
  • This in turn makes you smarter and improves your concentration level as well.

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