Top 50 Hottest Pussy GIFs [Cum in 7 Seconds]

Looking for the hottest of the hottest Pussy Gifs? You are at the right place.

Check out these sexy and hottest Pussy Sex Gifs and enjoy your horniest GIF moment !!

Top 50 Best Pussy Gifs

Nothing can excite men more than a pussy and even if they observe the pussy folds through a fabric it is a good enough scene to help them shag off. Even women especially the lesbians get excited at the mere sight of pussy and get excited enough to touch themselves even at public places.

So what makes a pussy such an exciting thing?

If God has given special attention to any part it has to be the pussy or vagina what we call it in the decent language. The place through which the seeds of human evolution are inserted is special, unique and mysterious in its own way and has always been the subject of interest especially for the perverted men and women.

We miss the sight of pussy quite often while watching a sex scene as we tend to get lost in the sheer aura created by it. Therefore, it is a better option to look at the picture of a naked pussy in order to get mesmerized by it but the pictures look dull and miss the action the videos have.

However, if we wish to observe a pussy up close without getting distracted by the other details and that too in hot action we can view and download pussy gifs that are available on various portals on the internet.

These pussy gifs are hot and sexy and they also give an opportunity to witness a pussy in its full glory. Today we are discussing the top 50 pussy gifs and their types that can leave you mesmerized!

Have a look at these pussy gifs in detail:

Hairy pussies

Surely there are a lot of cleaned shaved pussies that are getting the attention the hairy ones are also mysterious and special in their own ways.

A hairy pussy looks a little intimidating, wild and sexy and some men and women get special arousals and cravings when they get to see a furry pussy. 

Therefore, if you too like to see a pussy encircled by thick bushes or trimmed hair you can always search for the hair pussy gifs on the internet.

Clean shaved pussies

A woman flaunting a clean shaved pussy looks erotic and steamy. Nothing can match her sex appeal when she shows her inner folds and the velvety furrow looks inviting especially when the pussy folds are separated with the help of fingers.

You can watch the clean shaved pussies in its full glory and various forms in the top 50 pussy gifs of any porn site.

You can see a woman exploring her love hole or getting licked it by another woman or man in such gifs that can stimulate your sexual senses to its zenith.

Trimmed pussies

Trimmed pussies are neither too hairy not completely bald. Some women like to leave a patch of hair over or around their pussy which looks sexy and kind of inviting.

Therefore, if you love to watch trimmed pussies you can always search for the gifs that are dedicated to such pussies.

Squirting pussies

Pussies look their best when drenched with love juices and cum.

Therefore, squirting pussies also have their own place in the top 50 pussy gifs. Remember that squirting and peeing are two entirely different things and a women squirts only when she is excited to the core.

Watch these deeply mesmerizing pussy gifs by typing "squirting pussies" in your favorite porn gif site.


If you are crazy about pussies then may be a pussy on a pussy hot action is the best thing for you.

This position is called scissoring and is very famous among lesbian porn lovers as it displays two lesbians entangled to each other just like a scissor gets a thing between its two legs. 

This position is used by the lesbians who want to rub their pussies especially their excited clits on each other so that they can make each other cum in a quick time. 

The scissoring can be done in various ways such as one pussy on top of another, pussies getting slammed on each other from the front, from the sides and much more.

The mere sight of two beautiful vaginas kissing each other is arousing enough to make anyone cum in their pants! Therefore, if you are a pussy worshipper then you must definitely explore the scissoring pussy gifs.

Pussies getting fingered & licked

A pussy gets mad with lust as it is being fingered or licked by someone. Women can even finger themselves but the sight of a pussy getting touched and fingered by her partner's fingers is exciting and makes a girl go crazy.

Also, the flickering and flapping of tongue in between the pussy folds looks enticing and produces an intimate feeling in any human being.

Therefore, if you have a thing for a pussy getting fingered or licked then you must certainly search for the pussy gifs that have such scenes compressed in them.

Different sizes of pussies

Some people crave for small pussies while some get aroused by fleshy and big ones.

Similarly, some people have a special thing for tight and firm pussy folds while some people like to see the pussies that have been stretched to their limits. 

No matter what its shape or size is a beautiful pussy remains beautiful only if it is taken care of with love and tenderness.

However, there are also some individuals who have a thing for ugly and unclean pussies and there are porn gifs for these perverted minds as well.

Parting words...

These are a few types of pussy gifs that are mostly featured in the top 50 pussy gifs.

If you are a pussy lover and want to share a thing or two about them you can write to us or you can even convey your ideas through the comments section. 

As of now, happy pussy watching and don’t just watch but get some action from them as well!

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